Thursday, August 13, 2009

Goal Planning is Not Just a Work Thing

We all set goals whether deliberately or not. At work your boss may set you targets to achieve, or you may look at the pile of work on your desk and set your goals by deciding what you will complete that day.

That promotion at work could be you prime motivator. However many people only set goals which are work or career related, where your goal planning is easy to measure success or otherwise.

There is also a need to set goals in your personal and social life. What sort of goals? How about one goal to achieve is to make sure that your family immediate and distant know how much you love and appreciate them before it is too late and they or you are gone forever.

A goal to wake up every morning with a smile and determined to make the life of someone else better because they know you.

Why is it that 'Gurus' and self improvement teachers only believe that by setting mighty goals you will have a sense of achievement. This is just not true and many people do not set goals because they feel they should only set lofty goals, and when you do not achieve your goals you feel a sense of frustration and failure and believe you will never make anything of yourself.

Your goals to achieve could be to learn to play golf, the piano or any other thing that you have been putting off through lack of time. Goal objectives do not need to be massive or complicated; Your daily goals should be ones that keep you involved with what is going on around you every day but gradually change your life for the better.

Just try writing down one thing that you would like to do today, regardless of where it is at, work or home. A goal to do something today has to be simple or you will not do it. It could be simply to write or to visit someone you have not see or heard of in a long time.

How many times do you look at your 'To Do' list and wonder where you should start, so you decide tomorrow is a better day for looking at it. If you find writing a 'To Do' list frightening because you have so much 'To Do', try writing a 'Have Done' list at the end of the day, you will be surprised at what you really achieve each day, from making another person smile to clearing out your garage.

Giving yourself a reward for getting something on your list done today is a great motivator in making tomorrow better. When you have compiled your 'Have Done' list for a number of days or weeks, whenever you feel a little down with yourself get it out, you will feel lifted again just reading through your achievements, large and small, without the need to read a book by a 'Famous Guru' that can make you feel inferior.

In order to achieve your goals, large or small, there are techniques to help you achieve all of them. These are techniques that have been used by successful people throughout the ages and the beauty is that once you have been told what they are you can use these same techniques to achieve what you want no matter what it is.

You do not have to study a Masters Degree or belong to the intelligence, you have to be you, just what you are, what you know and what you can do now. Goal planning, goal setting and achievement are pleasurable things that give your life value.

A dreamer has a dream and takes action one who fantasises has a dream and then another one. Turn your dreams to reality by creating your own future history. David Dutch has helped hundreds to achieve their life time goals now he want to reach out and help you through his books; articles; website and Blog

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