Tuesday, August 4, 2009

DIY Solar Panels For Your Home

Are you interested in a DIY project that will save you some big cash and help improve our environment at the same time? Say 'hello' to DIY solar power & green energy solutions, simple step-by-step guides that can teach you how to build DIY solar panels for your own home.

Just a few years ago, on August 6th, 2003, a brand new photovoltaic (solar) cell was revealed. This new cell was extremely efficient and capable of converting 36% of the suns rays into pure electricity. Prior to this new technology, solar cells could only convert about 10-15% of the suns rays into electricity. With the new photovoltaic technology, solar power ideals have really taken off and become more available.

Only about 8% of the energy produced in the United States comes from renewable energy sources. About 6.5% of that energy comes from hydro-electric dams and the other 1.5% comes from wind turbines and solar power panels. An astonishing 51% of our energy is still produced by burning dirty coal, and for this reason our environment is deteriorating faster than ever before. If we want our children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren to enjoy this beautiful planet, we need to make some changes.

Many people are aware of the state of our environment and more people are truly interested in renewable energy sources for their home than ever before. However, professional solar panel projects can cost a fortune. In fact a solar panel system can easily mount up to $10,000 if you're aiming to pull the plug from your power company. The problem is obvious; most families can't afford to install such a system.

Enter the world of DIY solar power! DIY solar power can cost a fraction of what a professional system would cost you. On top of that, once it's built and installed, it will continue to generate electricity for a lifetime. The one problem many people have in regards to DIY solar power is, well, how the heck to build such an advanced piece of technology?

Over the past year, many companies have been offering guides to DIY solar power and other green energy projects. Most of these guides also include DIY wind turbines for those that live in the windy parts of the world. I've done a fair amount of research on these guides and read some reviews. Most of the parts can be found at your local hardware store. However, if you live out in the country, you may find it a bit more difficult to find the solar cells. If that's that case you can just buy them online after doing a simple search.

The average family spends 20-25% of their income on energy each year. By picking up a DIY solar power guide and building the solar panels to generate your own electricity, you'll be doing your part and contributing to the green energy cause. Not only that but you'll have the satisfaction of doing it yourself. If I've sparked your interest, never fear, for you can read some reviews of the best guides on the market by clicking on the link above or the link below.

Let's keep it green!

http//www.DIYSolarPowerGuides.com - In-depth Reviews on the best DIY Solar Power Guides available.

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