Monday, August 31, 2009

Chlorine Free Pool System

As more pool and spa operators look for non chemical alternatives, mineral ions are gaining popularity. Mineral ions are natural bactericidal and algaestatic agents from copper, silver or titanium used to kill microorganisms in the pool. Copper is the most commonly used mineral for ionization. The use of a mineral ion solution can reduce the need for caustic chemicals such as chlorine, thereby reducing the side effects caused by the presence of such chemicals. The use of metal ions results in less skin and eye irritation and less damage to pool and spa equipment. Ions are a natural process, harmless to bathers and the environment, which makes it a particularly attractive alternative to ecologically conscious pool operators.

Ion generators, such as the ECOSmarte Pool System or the Floatron can be installed with your pool equipment to generate ions using an electrical current. Inside the chamber are electrodes, usually made of copper, but silver and titanium are also used. When the electric current is applied to the mineral electrodes, ions are released. These ions are carried away by the water passing through the chamber, and subsequently enter the pool. These ions bind to microorganisms in the water, killing them. The process is natural, safe and effective.

If a pool operator is hesitant to install a new piece of equipment in his or her pool, and does not want to commit finances to the cost of such a piece of equipment, there is an ionic alternative to the ion generator. He or she can use the power of mineral ions in their pool or spa through the use of a liquid mineral solution. These solutions typically consist of copper-based ingredients, such as copper sulfate pentahydrate solution, bound with an environmentally safe carrier, which depends on the brand used. There are several brands of this mineral ion solution, marketed under such names as Pristine Blue, Rainforest Blue, and Simply Blue.

These products, like the ion generators, are bactericidal and algaecidal. Microorganisms in the water metabolize the copper and it interrupts their reproductive cycle, thereby preventing bacteria and algae from growing. Unlike chlorine and bromine sanitizers, these products are odorless and tasteless and will not irritate the skin or eyes of bathers.

Please visit us to learn how to have a chlorine free pool and to learn more about the problems with salt water generators.

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