Friday, September 4, 2009

Renewable Energy

At the moment recession has hit most of the richer countries such as America and the UK. Many thousands of people are unemployed or earning half of what they used to.

Most people would have heard of renewable energy but thought it would cost too much or could not be installed on/by houses, so they are missing out. You can cut your bills by 80% to having no electricity bill at all. By taking advantage of the wind or the sun you can grab that energy and bottle it for your own use. How? I hear you ask, well by using wind turbines and solar panels you can turn wind and the sun into electricity.

Wind Energy
A small wind turbine can cost under $200 or 400. It will cut your bills by an unimaginable amount.

How it works
Wind turbines are like windmills, they use long blades set at an angle so when the wind blows they turn. Connected to the pivot (where the blades spin from) is a generator, that turns the moving power into raw power. It will be fed into your home and can help power your house. If you don't use all you need it will be fed into the main power grid and the electricity companies SEND YOU MONEY!

Solar energy
Solar panels use the power of the sun to make electricity. They cost a bit more than wind turbines but on a sunny day produce alot more energy. Again like wind turbines if you don't use all the energy your solar panel produces it is fed into the main power grid and you get money back.

By using lots of solar panels and wind turbines you can cut the cost of your bill by A LOT of money. Renewable energy doesn't just benefit you, it help the planet as well. At the moment we are killing the planet by burning all the non-renewable resources like coal and wood, by using renewable energy you are giving the planet a helping hand.

For info on how to make your own solar panels and wind turbines go to one of these sites

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