Friday, September 4, 2009

How Do You Save Money With Exit Signs? Let Me Count the Ways!

Like most every company in the world these days, there is a move afoot to cut costs and make the operation of our businesses far more efficient and cost-effective. If you're the person tasked with this daunting objective, then you would be wise to take a look at something very simple that could really make a large difference to your company's bottom line, as well as to its green initiative. That would be the use of environmentally friendly photoluminescent exit signs in your building. These self-luminous exit signs collect and store ambient light for use when there is an emergency event, such as a power outage, fire, earthquake or other catastrophe. Let's take a peek at all the advantages photoluminescent exit signs bring to the table.

Photoluminescent exit signs use no electricity, consume no batteries, and require no maintenance. There is no wiring to run and no backup systems are needed, as these exit signs shore up the ambient light in the building to use in the event of an emergency situation. There is then no question whether your emergency lights will operate when you need them, as there often is with other types of solutions. These will glow green up to a distance of 100 feet in smoky or dark conditions, and will stay illuminated for several days if the need were to arise.

The energy savings associated with the use of photoluminescent exit signs are significant. A typical building with 100 exit signs will realize a direct energy savings of more than $3,500 dollars yearly, as well as reduced costs for maintenance, replacement parts and more. What's more, this same building with these same exit signs will have its carbon footprint reduced by nearly half a million pounds of CO2 over the life of the product-which, by the way, is roughly 25 years! This will make you a hero in the green circles for sure!

When or if you ever need to move your photoluminescent exit signs-if, for instance, your emergency egress plan changes-the task is easily done. Simply move the mounting hardware to the new location and remount; no wiring to run or any other power issues. Should the time come to replace the units, it's good to know that they are 100% recyclable, and can be tossed into the nearest metal recycling bin with no other concerns. Try doing that with tritium exit signs, which contain a radioactive isotope and are tracked individually. You'll have the FBI and NRC on your doorstep issuing citations before you know it!

Photoluminescent exit signs are by far the greenest and most economical choice for emergency exit signs available today. There is but one manufacturer of this type of sign in the U.S., Jessop Manufacturing, located in McHenry IL. You can see their wide variety of exit signs and other emergency evacuation products at

To learn more about how photoluminescent exit signs can help your company become more eco-friendly and save energy dollars in the process, visit us today at

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