Monday, June 30, 2008

Patio Heater

When it comes to patio heaters, there are several efficient models that come in a variety of sizes and fuel sources, you can even get a patio heater that is a radiant heat system that will warm the people, not the air, for greater and better comfort. Because there are a lot of varieties to choose from and each model has a different feature to offer there are some things you need to know and decide:

1. The first decision you need to make when you are choosing patio heaters is to decide whether you want a patio heater that is permanent or not. If you have an existing gas grill hook up, then a permanent heater would be easy to install, and a wise choice. So, if this is the case for you, then natural gas heaters are perfect. If you do not want to have a permanent heater, then look for one that runs off bottled fuels as it makes it easier to put the heat right where you want it.

2. The next thing you need to decide is how much space you need to heat. You will want to pick a heater that has the ability to warm the area you use most. The amount of room around the heater that you want to have heated is going to depend on how big your patio is, and how many people you usually have out there at a time. A good general rule of thumb is you will want to heat a 20-foot circle around the unit. Make sure you know what the heat range of the unit is, just because it is bigger or more expensive does not always mean that it provides the most heat for your dollar, so know what you are getting yourself into.

3. The next feature of the patio heater you want to consider is the safety of it. Be sure the patio heater you choose is carefully engineered for safety so that you can comfortably have people of all ages on the patio without fear. Look for designs that have features like safety tilt switches, sealed burners, flame controls, electronic ignitions and emergency cut-off valves. The safer the heater, the better the purchase. Obviously the patio heater will get hot, because that is the point, but make sure there are protection measures.

4. The next thing to consider when choosing a patio heater is what fuel type will be most economical and available for you. While a kerosene heater may seem like the best option, if it is difficult or expensive for you to obtain kerosene, then you won't use the heater much. So, if you are not getting a permanent patio heater that hooks right into a fuel line, then be sure to choose a heater that uses a bottled fuel that is the most economical and available in your area. Your choices are basically as follows: kerosene, butane or propane as well as natural gas.

5. Next take a look at the heating unit, you want an infrared heater, look for elements with sturdy aluminum, this will mean that the reflectors will direct the radiating heat down and out. Basically be sure that the heating element is sufficient and sends the heat where it is most needed, and will be best used.

6. Last but not least, look for a heater that offers you the look that you want, whether that is cast iron, aluminum, etc. you may not mind a clunky heater, but why not shop around some and find an attractive patio heater that fits your needs and budget? is your source for top quality home building, remodeling and home decorating information. For free articles delivered daily by email, visit and enter your name and email under the Free Home Building and Remodeling Updates section.

Tips For Care and Maintenance of Contemporary Bathroom Furniture

Easy to Follow Instructions

  • To remove dust and dirt, use a clean, soft, lint-free cotton cloth, warm water and a mild detergent or soap and wipe down all interior and exterior surfaces.
  • Immediately after washing, dry all surfaces with another clean, lint-free cotton cloth.
  • Avoid using a dish rag or sponge that previously was used with harsh detergents.
  • Wipe up spills, splatters and water spots as they occur, keeping cabinets and countertop surfaces dry.
  • Do not use aerosol sprays containing silicones or paste waxes.
  • Avoid ammonia based cleaners and soaps with dye.
  • Give special attention to areas near the sink and dishwasher that come in contact with moisture. Make sure that water and detergents do not dry on the cabinet surface.
  • Use cleaners and polishes designed for wood cabinetry/furniture and clean all surfaces as needed.

Glass and MirrorFA8 Inserts

  • Use a household glass cleaner with a soft, clean cloth.
  • Apply the glass cleaner directly to a cloth rather than the glass or mirror to avoid excess liquid running into cabinet joints.

Temperatures & Humidity

All wood, whether finished or not absorbs whatever is in its surroundings. Dryness will shrink the wood and cause it to split from lack of moisture. On the other hand, too much moisture can swell the wood and cause it to crack and split. General Rule: If the temperature and humidity in your home is comfortable for you, then your wood cabinetry/furniture should be fine. Avoid placing wood pieces in front of heating or air conditioning vents. The temperatures that come from the vents are too extreme.

Stone Vessels

One of the most frequent questions asked by many customers is "how do I take care of these sinks?" The answer will depend somewhat on the particular stone and the degree of polishing applied to the surface. For example, limestone is more porous than granite, and a highly polished surface is less porous than a honed surface.

Due to the porous nature of stone, there are certain substances that can stain your sink if not properly protected. The longer a stain remains, the deeper it penetrates and becomes more permanent; therefore, it is important to remove a stain as soon as it occurs. We recommend that you wipe up spills immediately and do not allow surface deposits of water bi-products such as calcium, salt, lime or detergents to build up on your stone sink.

To clean your sink, use a soft cloth, sponge or soapy nylon brush. Be sure to rinse the sink well after cleaning and dry. Cleaning on a regular basis will help prevent the development of hard water deposits. If you develop persistent stains, try a non-abrasive cleaner such as dishwasher soap, Soft Scrub or a professional stone cleaner solution which can be purchased from a local hardware or tile store. DO NOT use any acidic tub and tile cleaners, toilet bowl cleaners, ammonia, abrasive or soft paste cleaners, vinegar, alcohol, window cleaners or lemon juice. In addition DO NOT use abrasive cleaning pads such as steel wool, metal brushes or scouring powders.

Most of the stone sinks we sell are not sealed due to varied customer requirements. However, we do recommend sealing your sink to protect it against staining and water absorption. There are two ways to seal your sink; wax or one of the many stone sealing products available in the marketplace. The type of stone sealer you use depends on the type of stone, but most tile or hardware stores carry a variety of stone sealing products to choose from. Stone sealers should typically be applied once a year. If you prefer to wax your sink, you will want to do this at least once a month.

For more information, please check our website

Harris Sukhera ~ Managing Director
Johnson & Phillips Canada Ltd.
Canadian Sales & Inquiries:
Office: 905.475.7555
Phone: 1-800-717-0901

How to Build a Chicken Coop - 6 Crucial Elements on Building a Chicken House

When building a chicken coop, it is suggested that you follow the guidelines below for a successful endeavor.

Element #1. - Appearance and Design:

Sketch out your design on a sheet of paper before you do anything else. Think of the colors you will paint the roof and chicken coop walls. Always keep in mind that if your chicken coop is clearly visible to your neighbors, (unless you live in a farm it will most likely be visible to your entire neighborhood,) it shouldn't ever serve as a distraction or defacement of its utmost surroundings. So make sure to design an aesthetically looking chicken coop so that your neighbors do not complain of its detracting appearance. Once finished, always remember to remove and dispose of any types of garbage or weeds from around your chicken coop. Try to maintain an appealing landscape around it to enhance its overall appearance.

Element #2. - Using Sound Judgment:

When designing your chicken coop structure, you must use sound judgment in almost every aspect of the way.

For instance, you want to use building materials in which the cleaning and disinfecting procedures will be quick and easy. The doors you install should open inwards, not outwards. You don't want your chickens roosting on your windows, so it is best to install sliding windows.

A question many people ask is how to build a chicken coop who's floors are easy to hose and spray down without much puddling? Well the secret to that is to slightly slope the flooring toward the door. This way, when you spray out the chicken coop, the water will flow out, hence solving your puddling problem.

Element # 3. - Protection from Hazardous Elements:

So you want to learn how to build a chicken coop with maximum protection? Then listen up.

As you may know, a well built chicken coop will protect your chickens from hazardous elements such as bad weather (heavy rain, wind, hale, snow, cold climates, etc,) but they will also protect them from hungry predators, theft and injury.

So how do we accomplish that?

Easy. You want to build a draft free chicken house with windows and doors that can be opened and closed as needed. Make sure the windows and doors both have proper screening systems installed in them such as a heavy gage mesh wire. Building the chicken coop on a high yet well drained area with ensure the least amount of dampness of the coop. Be sure to build your chicken coop in an area that faces the sun which will help warm and dry the soil and coop itself after it rains.

To protect your chickens from predators, the best thing to do is to bury your outside runs with chicken wire all around the coop about 1 foot deep. This will prevent some very hungry predators such as raccoons, cats and even dogs from digging underneath it.

Strategy # 4. - Coop Ventilation:

You may be wondering how to build a chicken coop that will not only keep your chickens locked up and protected from bad weather and predators yet receive the proper ventilation it requires. If so, then you already understand the importance of draft free air movement from within the coop. Chickens, much like humans, need fresh air and oxygen. The same goes for the removal of unwanted excessive moisture and carbon dioxide. A chicken coop with ample air movement and proper ventilation will help remove the ammonia build up and dampness that may grow inside its walls.

Speaking of walls, the chicken coop walls should have proper insulation installed which will help keep the chickens dry. As long as chickens are dry, they can handle cold climates very well, but humidity plus cold weather will cause health issues for your poultry. Therefore, insulated walls are a must!

Strategy # 5. - Light Source:

If you want a good source of light and warmth for your chickens during the cold months of the year and a solid source of ventilation during the hot months, then be sure to install the chicken coop windows facing the southside where they will receive direct sunlight throughout the day.

On another note, if your goal is to raise chickens that will produce great eggs all year round, then you should look into an electrical source of light. You should be able to easily install an electrical light at the height of the chicken coop's ceiling which will help keep your chickens warm and help them lay better chicken eggs throughout the year. One ceiling light should be enough for a small scale chicken coop, for larger chicken coops though, try to install one electrical ceiling light per every 30 - 40 feet.

Strategy # 6. - Conveniently placed Wateres and Chicken Feeders:

Chicken feeders and waterers should be placed where your flock will have easy access to them. However, you have to becareful where you place them because chickens like to make a mess of everything they eat due to their chicken scratching instincts. I'm sure you don't want to see your chicken feed mix all over the coop floors so, to avoid this, place the chicken feeders at the height of the chicken's back. This way they will have to stretch their necks up to eat but won't reach the feeders with their feet. Same goes for the waterers. Just make sure to keep the waterers full of fresh clean water throughout the day.

There you have it folks. 6 quick and easy strategies that will show you how to build a chicken coop fast and efficiently. Whether you're building a large scale chicken coop or a small one, these tips should get you moving in the right direction.

Folks, did you know that the average american spends about $300 to build a chicken coop? Some even invest over 2 months of work trying to assemble the darn structure and in the end aren't even fully contempt with their product. Not very enticing is it? A great chicken coop plan can cut your time and efforts in half while saving you a vast amount money on building materials. To learn how to build a chicken coop with maximum benefits for your flock without investing a magnitude of your time and money , click here: how to build a chicken coop.

Dale Higgins has been raising chickens and poultry for over 20 years and is an expert in building chicken coops. You can visit his website here:

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Beautiful Bathroom Floors Can Still be Practical

The bathroom in your house is one of the most useful rooms in your house, but that doesn't mean it can't look beautiful too. Your bathroom gets a lot of use by your whole family, and has to have a number of facilities in order for it to stay hygienic. You should carefully choose the flooring for your bathroom with this in mind, you should also consider the shower, bath and toilet. Potentially a bathroom is a very dangerous room, for a start it's slippery, and you're using water and electricity in one room. Many people have suffered accidents in a bathroom, you should design your bathroom so that it is as safe as possible.

You should also choose a flooring based on who will be using it. If you and your family plan to live in the house for a long time then they might choose a very durable (but more expensive) floor so that they do not have to replace it. If however they intend to move after a couple of years then a cheaper floor may be beneficial.

Marble floors for example will last a life time (pretty much!) but it is a lot more expensive. If you are planning to live in this house for a very long time then it may be worthwhile to install such a floor.

You should also consider the amount of maintenance required to keep your chosen flooring in tip top condition. Certain types of bathroom flooring are easy to16AA care for, while others require much more maintenance. You should ask the opinion of the person that will be cleaning the floors on a regular basis.

Practical Bathroom Flooring

You can carpet your bathroom floor, this makes it a much warmer and cosier space which can be nice. However, there are some disadvantages to using carpet in the bathroom. Most importantly it is difficult to clean as it can absorb water. If your shower, or bath leaks your carpet could easily become damaged. Carpet in your bathroom is unlikely to last as long as tiles or marble flooring would last.

Marble flooring is very durable and would put up with a torrent of water. However this too has a disadvantage, it can become extremely slippery and it would be very easy to have an accident if you are not careful. Marble flooring is very beautiful, and quite easy to clean.

You could also use hardwood floors in your bathroom, and as long as this is treated properly it can last for a number of years. If you want the look of wooden flooring without the expense then you could consider laminate flooring, this is very easy to install and care for. As long as you glue the joints it will stand up to the moisture in your bathroom. Wooden flooring can become slippery and become dangerous.

Being passionate about bamboo installation and bamboo flooring, Peter Wilson was authoring lots of long articles on this particular topic. You might come across his contributions on how to install bamboo floor over at and many different sources for how to install bamboo floor news.

A User Guide On Owens Corning Siding

This article deals with the nittie gritties of Owen Corning Siding. It doesn't need to be painted even if it is scratched. There are many other intriguing features. Read On! Owens Corning offers many different vinyl siding lines. Design options include horizontal and vertical siding; traditional clapboard and authentically detailed "shaped" sidings; wide and narrow panel exposures; and smooth, subtle and deep wood grain textures. Plus you can choose from a wide assortment of traditional and contemporary colors

All You Wanted to Know on Owens Corning Siding

Owens Corning vinyl siding doesn't need painting, so you save time and money in development costs. There's never a need to scrape paint, patch stucco or replace rotting boards. The color you see on the surface goes completely through Owens Corning vinyl siding - so you will not see a different color if the siding is scratched. This is very important as it drastically reduces your maintenance expenses. You don't need to worry about changing your sidings the next time your kid scratches the wall or you chip off a part of the wall while redecorating your house.

To keep your Owens Corning vinyl siding looking like new, simply spray it occasionally with a garden hose. For tougher dirt, it is recommended to clean it with a mild soap solution. Durable construction means Owens Corning vinyl siding will stand up to the elements, no matter what type of climate.

Owens Corning Siding: It Doesn't need Painting!

Over the years, you won't have to worry about additional upkeep costs because Owens Corning vinyl siding won't rot, peel, warp or harbor insects like wood or dent like aluminum.

Your building material dealer or contractor will be able to help you compute how much vinyl siding you'll need with a few simple measurements.

Owens Corning siding has a vast number of brands that range from sidings which emphasize on performance and durability to a range which brings out the beauty in the most simplest of things, to the range which is as beautiful as cedar but requires very little maintenance, to ranges which e4F3mphasize on the beauty of old heritage homes. Owens Corning Siding's diversity extends to three more choices: The Essential Vinyl Siding Collection, the Norandex/ Reynolds Siding & Accessories, and the VYTEC Collection.

You can also find more info on siding products and Exterior Wood Siding. is a comprehensive resource to know more about home siding review.

Plastic Pipe for Construction

Today across North America, the use of plastic pipe for a wide variety of applications is becoming increasingly common. This paper wishes to summarize some of the basic facts about plastic pipe to give a better understanding of where, how and why it should be considered for usage. Several aspects concerning construction issues of today will be addressed.

Types of Plastic

Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) -- PVC, also commonly referred to as Vinyl, is perhaps the most well-known and widely used of all plastics for pipe and fittings in construction today. It offers users one of the best balances of tensile strength versus economics being used for several pressure and non-pressure applications in both above-ground and under-ground applications.

PVC resin is derived from 2 natural resources of the earth, namely natural gas and salt. The natural gas derivative ethylene is combined with the chlorine component of salt to form the resin building block. The chlorine component is actually a by-product of a process whereby the sodium is being extracted from natural salt for use in caustic soda for soaps, detergents and other applications.

PVC is perhaps one of the oldest plastics being used for pressure pipe as far back as Post-WW1 Germany. Being one of the more rigid plastics, PVC is popular for usage as electrical conduit, process piping, commercial drains, irrigation piping and underground municipal piping such as water mains and sewers. It is commonly joined by means of solvent welding or gasketed bell and spigot.

Other uses of PVC in our daily lives include flooring, patio furniture, siding, medical tubing and small items such as credit cards.

Chlorinated Polyvinyl-Chloride (CPVC) -- CPVC is a second member of the vinyl family and is essentially a modified version of PVC. CPVC contains some extra chlorine in its molecule for enhanced resistance to chemicals and higher temperatures. Thus, the pipe is used for hot water supply, higher temperature applications in industrial facilities or for fire sprinkler piping in residential or light commercial applications.

Its properties are very similar to that of PVC by having rigidity and high tensile strength however, it is typically 3-4 times more expensive than PVC. Many times, CPVC will remain competitive with metals or other specialty plastics for specialized chemical applications. It is normally joined using either solvent welding or by use of flanged joints.

Polyethylene (PE) -- This is perhaps the most common plastic for everyday usage and certainly growing in popularity for many piping applications. PE is derived from 100% ethylene and its lack of chlorine is what gives it higher flexibility than the vinyls but at the expense of a reduced tensile strength. Thus, its popularity for piping has been mainly on applications where flexibility is desired such as marine intakes or outfalls, tubing for rural water wells, underground irrigation, road culverts and landscaping or farm drainage.

It is resistant to most solvents and thus cannot be joined using solvent welding. Thus, it is mainly joined by mechanical couplings or through heat fusion.

PE pipe is typically supplied in coils or straight lengths.

Cross-Linked Polyethlyene (PEX) -- PEX is a modified form of PE that has its molecular bond strengthened to enhance physical properties such as heat, chemical and crack resistance. It is mainly joined by mechanical fitting connections and is used primarily today as small diameter (3/8 to 1 inch) tubing for potable water or hydronic (hot water) heating. PEX is also available with an external oxygen barrier layer for hydronic heating or as an integral part of composite tubing with an aluminum layer centered in the pipe wall for added rigidity and strength.

Polypropylene (PP) -- PP is again a common item for everyday plastics but a bit more specialized for piping. It is very similar to PE but offers better chemical and temperature resistance. As a result, its most common piping application is for corrosive waste drainage for laboratories. It may be joined by either mechanical joints or heat fusion. The heat fusion is preferred for acid waste to ensure 100% reliability of pipe joints. The second most popular application for PP today is high purity water such as deionized water for medical usage or ultra-sanitary manufacturing.

Acrylonitrile Butadienne Styrene (ABS) -- ABS is a softer plastic than PVC yet more rigid than PE or PP. It is dominant in usage for residential drain waste and vent piping offering both economics and ease of installation.

ABS is notorious for having better than average impact resistance in colder temperatures and thus is commonly used for car bumpers and other similar applications.

Only recently has an ABS pipe been available for pressure pipe applications acting as an alternative to PVC or CPVC by offering improved impact and abrasive strength yet reduced tensile strength and chemical resistance. Applications here include mining slurry transport, refrigerants and chilled water piping.

Benefits and Limits

Plastic pipe offers many benefits to users which have helped lead to its steady growth in North America over the last 50 years. These include having light weight, ease of assembly, excellent hydraulics, chemical resistance, corrosion resistance, low labor costs and rigid industry standards.

However, as with all piping materials, there are some factors which will limit the use of plastic pipe and of which designers should always be aware such as pressure capacity (typically OK to 250 psi), temperature limits (over 200F often a concern), and building code issues47A (caution for plenums, vertical shafts, and hi-rise).

In summary, plastic pipe has become a dominant player in mechanical piping across North America. A proper understanding of the different plastics as well as their advantages and limits will help to ensure trouble-free installations.

Gordon Lefort is a Professional Engineer (Mechanical) employed with IPEX Inc., Canada's largest plastic pipe manufacturer and has over 20 years experience with the design and installation of mechanical plastic pipelines.

Fallbrook Siding

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Deck Railing Plans - Visual Appeal Of Buildings

Materials Make Or Mar Deck railing Plans

The materials that you use for your decking materials, will ultimately decide if your decking plans are usable, doable and above all, useful to you or not. For example if you use a wooden railing where lot of water is being used (in garden, lawns and or near the swimming pool etc.), the wood can disintegrate over a period of time due water splashing on the wood. On the other hand, if you use PVC on a sun bathed patio, the PVC would start cracking after 2 or 3 years and you might have to replace it completely.

Choose Materials For Decking Railing Plans Carefully

Consider the following when you chose material for deck and railings.

The intended purpose of the deck

Frequency of use

Other possible uses of the deck

Surrounding areas and its general use

Safety considerations

Use of water on the deck or the surrounding area

Possibility of skidding or slipping due to use of water

Material used for decks

The material to be used have to be made long lasting so does not repeated expenditures on this count. The manufacturers of various materials have started giving guarantees for their materials for nearly 20 years now. This shows the confidence they have behind the product.

Your railing ideas contribute to the looks of your building by color schemes employed for the railings. Materials as the wood, PVC, aluminum, in combinations are being used for the decking railings.

Use Of Software Previewing Looks Of Railings

Computer software may also be used for looking at your future looks of your building after fitting the various components of deck railings like the posts, balustrades and other parts of the railing such as light fittings and decorative fittings. The color combinations of various components can be seen on the software and complete effect on the building can be seen by the user before the persons eyes and changed before the final decision can be made.

Adam Peters contributes adding articles on deck railing plans to one of his more successful sites;deck porch Andrew publishes designs and ideas for different deck railing designs. You can reach further articles and information of Adam about deck railings at his website

Roof Shaped Stain Glass Window

Plastic Pipe for Construction

Today across North America, the use of plastic pipe for a wide variety of applications is becoming increasingly common. This paper wishes to summarize some of the basic facts about plastic pipe to give a better understanding of where, how and why it should be considered for usage. Several aspects concerning construction issues of today will be addressed.

Types of Plastic

Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) -- PVC, also commonly referred to as Vinyl, is perhaps the most well-known and widely used of all plastics for pipe and fittings in construction today. It offers users one of the best balances of tensile strength versus economics being used for several pressure and non-pressure applications in both above-ground and under-ground applications.

PVC resin is derived from 2 natural resources of the earth, namely natural gas and salt. The natural gas derivative ethylene is combined with the chlorine component of salt to form the resin building block. The chlorine component is actually a by-product of a process whereby the sodium is being extracted from natural salt for use in caustic soda for soaps, detergents and other applications.

PVC is perhaps one of the oldest plastics being used for pressure pipe as far back as Post-WW1 Germany. Being one of the more rigid plastics, PVC is popular for usage as electrical conduit, process piping, commercial drains, irrigation piping and underground municipal piping such as water mains and sewers. It is commonly joined by means of solvent welding or gasketed bell and spigot.

Other uses of PVC in our daily lives include flooring, patio furniture, siding, medical tubing and small items such as credit cards.

Chlorinated Polyvinyl-Chloride (CPVC) -- CPVC is a second member of the vinyl family and is essentially a modified version of PVC. CPVC contains some extra chlorine in its molecule for enhanced resistance to chemicals and higher temperatures. Thus, the pipe is used for hot water supply, higher temperature applications in industrial facilities or for fire sprinkler piping in residential or light commercial applications.

Its properties are very similar to that of PVC by having rigidity and high tensile strength however, it is typically 3-4 times more expensive than PVC. Many times, CPVC will remain competitive with metals or other specialty plastics for specialized chemical applications. It is normally joined using either solvent welding or by use of flanged joints.

Polyethylene (PE) -- This is perhaps the most common plastic for everyday usage and certainly growing in popularity for many piping applications. PE is derived from 100% ethylene and its lack of chlorine is what gives it higher flexibility than the vinyls but at the expense of a reduced tensile strength. Thus, its popularity for piping has been mainly on applications where flexibility is desired such as marine intakes or outfalls, tubing for rural water wells, underground irrigation, road culverts and landscaping or farm drainage.

It is resistant to most solvents and thus cannot be joined using solvent welding. Thus, it is mainly joined by mechanical couplings or through heat fusion.

PE pipe is typically supplied in coils or straight lengths.

Cross-Linked Polyethlyene (PEX) -- PEX is a modified form of PE that has its molecular bond strengthened to enhance physical properties such as heat, chemical and crack resistance. It is mainly joined by mechanical fitting connections and is used primarily today as small diameter (3/8 to 1 inch) tubing for potable water or hydronic (hot water) heating. PEX is also available with an external oxygen barrier layer for hydronic heating or as an integral part of composite tubing with an aluminum layer centered in the pipe wall for added rigidity and strength.

Polypropylene (PP) -- PP is again a common item for everyday plastics but a bit more specialized for piping. It is very similar to PE but offers better chemical and temperature resistance. As a result, its most common piping application is for corrosive waste drainage for laboratories. It may be joined by either mechanical joints or heat fusion. The heat fusion is preferred for acid waste to ensure 100% reliability of pipe joints. The second most popular application for PP today is high purity water such as deionized water for medical usage or ultra-sanitary manufacturing.

Acrylonitrile Butadienne Styrene (ABS) -- ABS is a softer plastic than PVC yet more rigid than PE or PP. It is dominant in usage for residential drain waste and vent piping offering both economics and ease of installation.

ABS is notorious for having better than average impact resistance in colder temperatures and thus is commonly used for car bumpers and other similar applications.

Only recently has an ABS pipe been available for pressure pipe applications acting as an alternative to PVC or CPVC by offering improved impact and abrasive strength yet reduced tensile strength and chemical resistance. Applications here include mining slurry transport, refrigerants and chilled water piping.

Benefits and Limits

Plastic pipe offers many benefits to users which have helped lead to its steady growth in North America over the last 50 years. These include having light weight, ease of assembly, excellent hydraulics, chemical resistance, corrosion resistance, low labor costs and rigid industry standards.

However, as with all piping materials, there are some factors which will limit the use of plastic pipe and of which designers should always be aware such as pressure capacity (typically OK to 250 psi), temperature limits (over 200F often a concern), and building code issues47A (caution for plenums, vertical shafts, and hi-rise).

In summary, plastic pipe has become a dominant player in mechanical piping across North America. A proper understanding of the different plastics as well as their advantages and limits will help to ensure trouble-free installations.

Gordon Lefort is a Professional Engineer (Mechanical) employed with IPEX Inc., Canada's largest plastic pipe manufacturer and has over 20 years experience with the design and installation of mechanical plastic pipelines.

Fallbrook Siding

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Remodeling Green Takes The Right Mindset

To a real estate investor remodeling green may mean the money they are going to make from 1C68renovating that ugly house they just bought for a SUCH A DEAL price. To others, it means they want to preserve the earth and not waste energy, building materials or resources when they remodel their home. Some homeowners and contractors look for and use only products that are advertised as being green, or being manufactured in a way that is as non-toxic as possible. They may put in new appliances and HVAC units that are energy efficient. And build new properties with an eye to energy efficiency in the construction methods applied. That's all good.

Another way to remodel green is to think about what may be thrown in landfills when it could be used again. Some demolitions are done too quickly and roughly to save much of anything. Taking some time there can keep hundreds of pounds of good building materials out of the waste stream. I once had someone tease me on a job site because I was taking some time to remove a few nails from lumber. I had found some 14 foot long hardwood 2x6s with no knotholes and two or three nails in each of them. Hey, I'll spend 15 minutes any day to save $100 worth of wood from being dumped. I doubt you could get lumber that good anymore in most places without paying a stiff premium price. Bring me a truckload, please. You woodworkers know what I'm talking about. Yes, there IS wood pretty enough to admire and remember. Think about each component that you are removing, or working on, during a renovation and decide on a way to remove it with the least damage. Someone may want it if you don't. Haste DOES make waste!

One of the tricks I've done is to keep the area of a countertop that has to be cutout for sinks, etc. I install legs using common items I may have recycled from somewhere else and add those little caster wheels that can be bought cheaply in most large home improvement stores. The ones with locking mechanisms are nice. All you have to worry about is smoothing the cut edges and installing edging or simply routing the edge into a nice shape. You can have a matching rolling portable countertop space without spending much time or money. Oh yeah, don't forget to see if someone can use the old countertop and sink for a garage parts washing basin, garden potting center or maybe a fish cleaning station for the outdoors folks.

If you cruise the tool aisles, I'm sure you know about the great numbers of handy dandy gadgety items for sale. Nail sets are nice, but if you don't have one, try using a nail with a slightly larger head than the one you are driving. A tap or two with the nails head to head and your nail is set. Ever seen one of those plastic nail holders that keeps you from banging your fingers and waking the neighborhood cats with your wailing? Try a small piece of cardboard instead. A little notch and your fingers can be protected. Or the plastic spreaders sold to apply many materials. You can use the plastic lids found on many food containers in the grocery store. You can cut a round lid in half and have a nifty spreader of a custom size. Or the plastic pans sold to hold a small amount of the liquid materials for outrageous prices. Try one of those plastic tops they use on bakery cakes, or the microwave convenience food plastic bowls instead . Instead of buying a sanding block, why not try using a small scrap piece of wood from your projects? Egg cartons can be used to organize small items. It's my mission not to let any plastic have only one use in my household. Only problem is, if it is a while before you need them, these saved treasures may change your nickname to pack rat, but multiple use recycling is remodeling green so who cares? You get the idea. Go for it!

For more home remodeling tips and resources visit us at:

Removed Garage Door And Installed

Basement Finishing Ideas You Should Consider

Coming up with basement finishing ideas is the first step to utilizing the space in your home. Whether you are thinking about finishing your basement on your own or you want to hire a professional you have to decide how you want to use the space before you can get started. There are many different aspects you have to look at when you are coming up with basement finishing ideas. Not only do you have to decide how you are going to use the space and what rooms will make the best edition to your home, you also have to decide on the dcor.

When you are finishing your basement you need to make sure there aren't any moisture problems. Sealing the walls and floor so that you have no seepage before you put up your walls is important, if this step is forgotten you will not only have more work to repair the problems, but you will have the huge expense of replacing the materials that were ruined as well as starting the project over.

One great basement finishing idea is to use the space as an office or workspace. Basement offices are great for starting your own business or keeping up with your work at home. A basement library is also a great idea when you are looking into finishing your basement. If there is space that you can place book shelves, add good lighting, and keep warm and quiet you have a perfect home library. Families with teens and preteens can use a library for a study area before important tests.

Basements are also a good place for an entertainment room. When you are coming up with basement finishing ideas you need to look at costs. If you decide to make an entertainment room you not only have to look at the cost of building materials and the construction crew (if you hire professionals) as well as remembering the cost of the furnishings for the entertainment room. It is not very entertaining to have a large empty room. Keeping your ideas within your budget is important.

When finishing the basement you will want to think about the floor coverings. Carpeting is an effective way to cover the floor and keep the room looking nice while adding warmth and personality. If you choose to carpet the area you may want to double pad the carpet. Unlike the other levels in your home the basement is on a concrete floor. If you don't add to the padding then standing on the basement floor for long periods of time can cause leg and back pain.

While you are coming up with your basement finishing ideas there are several things to think about. Keeping in mind what your budget is and what you want to use the space for will help you to be able to meet your goals. Once you have come up with the basement finishing ideas that you find appealing you can then move forward with your remodeling plans.

If you're looking for more basement refinishing ideas or some really creative basement ceiling ideas then visit us to learn more about the Owens Corning Basement System

Home Mold Test Kits



Thursday, June 12, 2008

Outdoor Fireplace Designs - What You Need To Know

Outdoor fireplace design is quickly growing in popularity among homeowners in the U.S. Having an outside fire burning in your backyard while entertaining friends and family is life at its best. But, what should you be aware of with any outdoor fireplace design before installing one? Here's a quick look. Basically, an outdoor fireplace is the same as an indoor fireplace with the exception of a damper.

Your fireplace design can include standard bricks to cultured stones. Cultured stone differs from natural stone in that it is a cast stone, which makes it easier to work with.

A chimney is also used with outdoor design just as it is inside. The difference here is that you can use anything from a standard brick chimney to Mexican style chimney pots and many other designs as well.

Fireplace construction can be done with terra cotta, aluminum or cast iron in addition to brick. You can really get creative with any outdoor fireplace design.

Your outdoor fireplace can also include items such as a hearth, mantel and shelves if you would like. A stone mantel can be most attractive and a real conversation piece.

If you live in an area with frequent rain or snow, a masonry design may be your best choice. It will not rust or create other problems like metal can.

If you are in the process of an outdoor fireplace design, let your imagination flow and have fun with it.

All Rights Reserved Worldwide. Reprint Rights: You may reprint this article as long as you leave all of the links active and do not edit the article in any way.

By the way, you can learn more about Outdoor Fireplace Designs as well as much more information on all types of fireplace designs at

Improving To Move

Roofing Materials

Roofing materials can vary depending on what your preference. Often tiles, shingles or metal are the best choices for long life and good looks. The best option will depend on the type of roof that you have and the style of your home.


Metal roofing materials will work well with any type of roof. One of the best things about metal or aluminum roofing is that you can choose from many different colors. This means that you can color coordinate your home to your liking.

Most of the time, metal or aluminum roofing can be fitted on tBB1he roof in sheets, which means the job can be finished quicker. Metal roofing can often be just as expensive as tiles or other roof materials. It has a long life and can prove to be a good investment as the costs of heating and cooling can be reduced drastically.

Metal or aluminum roofs are also treated with a special coating to stop rusting and fading. Metal roofing materials are environmentally friendly and are often made from recycled materials. It is about the cheapest, nicest looking alternative to roofing

Roof Tiling

Roof tiles are very traditional and well known for their ability to withstand bad weather such as wind, hail, fire and rain. They also have a great life expectancy of up to 50 years. There are a few things that make tile roofing a problem with some houses. The main problem is their weight. Tile roofing materials can be very heavy.

Tiles need to be pre drilled and nailed if the roof is steep and may even need to be held in place with metal brackets. This can be very costly. Tile roofs, however, have the longest life expectancy and are often covered by a 50-year warranty, They come in an variety of colors and styles to suit any home.

Roofing Shingles

Roofing shingles are made from cedar wood and are a very environmentally friendly choice. If you are looking for a traditional look for you home, this can be a great option. Care must be taken when choosing the materials for your cedar roof as low quality materials and poor workmanship can cause the life of a roof to be drastically reduced. Life expectancy of a cedar wood shingle roof is around 30 years. It is best to get pressure treated fire resistant shingles. The cost of shingles can be quite high.

When choosing roofing materials for your home you must consider what you like as well as what will fit into your budget. Before buying roofing materials, it is advisable to consult the roofer who will be replacing your roof to find out which materials are the best for your area and weather conditions. Make sure that materials are approved for the housing industry code for your area.

Find out all there is to know about Roofing Materials and Roofing in general at

Fire Damage Articles

French Country House Plan - How To Get It Right And How To Screw It Up

French Country is a popular home design style nowadays, both exterior and interior. This article addresses the French Country home design style on the exterior.


Do you think that French Country, or the effected Country French, is a home design style? We'd say, "Not exactly."

French Country is a range of home design styles

1. From an early French farmhouse to not quite a French embassy

2. From residential design styles, including but not limited to Rustic French, Rural French, French Provincial, French Eclectic, Chateau (French version of the English Manor House), and the namesake French Country

3. From in-between Cajun style and Louisiana Plantation style

4. From the time period in America bracketed roughly by WWI and WWII

Comment: There is a stylistic kinship of sorts with other home home styles that are casually (and incorrectly) taken as singular and not as a set. For example, American Victorian is a/k/a (Victorian, in each instance) 2nd Empire, Gothic, Italianate, Queen Anne, Folk, Stick, Shingle, and Richardsonian (Romanesque). Or for example, Southern Colonial ranges from Warburton House (1680) in James City County, VA or Christ's Cross (a/k/a Cris Cross) (circa 1690) in New Kent County, VA and simpler, all the way up to Bacon's Castle (1650) in Surry County, VA and Stratford Hall (1725) in Stratford, VA [noting that other examples abound either standing, or artistically ca1653ptured earlier-on or reproduced, the author having chosen these for their geographical and temporal proximity, Post-Medieval English roots, and breadth of character].

You'll find beaucoups publications about French Country on and at your local bookstore. To wit, along with a slew of other design-oriented books, a while back we ordered Provencal Inspiration: Living The French Country Spirit by Home Planners, and immediately received a notice that Amazon's out of stock. French Country is back bigtime. As another, more recent example, our just completed custom house plans in French Country Style for a property in Asheville, NC will be offered later this year at $4+ million [and the facades really do have a rural sense to them].

French Country style reminds us more than most of Craftsman style multiple roof slopes; windows of different sizes and heights; broad overhangs and soffits; knee braces and other exposures of construction structure; front-facing gables; a mix of gable, clipped gable, shed, and hip roofs; natural materials; masonry exterior, especially stone; a mix of finish clads; restraint in exterior accessories and adornments. French Country style can be comfortable and inviting in its more relaxed presentations.

However, French Country home design departs from the Arts & Crafts Movement in several respects: high-peaked, steeply sloped roofs at pitches way above Craftsman's; a refinement in exterior trim particularly in rakes; an understatement of observable structure; gutter systems sometimes with gussied-up copper appointments; curved rooflines to accommodate steep slopes, larger windows, unpierced ceilings and interior walls; broad soffits; arches and curve-topped dormers, elaborated ironwork; balconies; turrets; Classic columns; masonry accessories in relief, some interest in symmetry, etc. Simplicity and elegance.

There are ways to botch French Country home design, e.g., hold rooflines to one pitch to assure consistent soffit depth and single-level eaves in the name of cheap, easy, and stylistically insensitive; apply Corinthian columns in lieu of, say, Tuscan, or flute the Tuscan columns; confuse French styling with English, unbalance vertical and horizontal to favor horizontal; not mullion grouped windows, not apply true French casement windows; use plastic shutters, S-dog the shutters, not apply true French doors, asphalt shingle the roof, insist on broad facia and frieze boards, etc.

And there are ways to develop French Country home plans by using - contemporary technologies, among them, e.g., cost-efficient cultured stone, particularly in its fieldstone representations perhaps by Owens Corning; and by using artistry, e.g., the half-round copper gutter systems of A. B. Raingutters, Inc., Classic Gutter Systems, L.L.C., the gas or electric luminaires of Charleston Lighting Company or the aluminum wrought-like railing of Southeaster Architectural Metals, the garage doors of the Carriage House Door Company, and the like.

French Country style encourages applying design principles of excellent residential design, such as, Russell Versaci's Creating a NEW OLD HOUSE: Yesterday's Character For Today's Home, The Taunton Press, 2003, and Jacobson, Silverstein, and Winslow's Patterns of Home: The Ten Essentials of Enduring Design, The Taunton Press, orig. 1941, reprint 2002; and, separately, sacred geometry. Here again, you can embrace and succeed or disregard and fail in the design effort.

Take, for example, the layering and other arrangement of finish clad, notably in steeply sloped gable ends. In Versaci's realm of signaled, or suggested, age, it is the wise designer who specifies supposedly older, heavier (looking) materials fieldstone and the like from grade up to, say, L1, and then some lighter material higher up. Such arrangement and layering would be particularly in-keeping with more steeply sloped roof gable ends which would most unlikely be originally run up 2 stories under high, hard to support roof pitches. That is, L2 should and would appear to be of more recent vintage than L1, and presenting a story of age without such attention to detail is to send the gift horse packing.

Finally, in the vernacular of Patterns of Home, again for example, the French Country style readily lends itself to creating a courtyard, or "Creating Rooms, Outside", and to dormered space demonstrating design keystones of "Refuge and Outlook" under a "Sheltering Roof," particularly if the rooflines are low-profiled and trimmed more simply on L2 than on L1.

Before The Architect designs and drafts custom home plans nationwide. Its principals Ralph and Jean Pressel have worked hands-on together since the 60's in custom home design, drafting, consulting, plus building and repair in every major trade. The e-book Home Design Standards - Home Building Standards and the website are enterprises of Before The Architects principals.

Steel Stairs And Balcony

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Virtual Kitchen Remodel Software

Homeowners who decide to remodel their kitchen soon find out how hard it can actually be. Aside from the actual physical labor of remodeling a kitchen there is the planning and design that must be completed before any work can begin. But not every idea will look as good as you think and some ideas may not fit into your kitchens layout or design. To avoid these potential problems many home owners will turn to virtual kitchen remodel software.

In the past you would have had to go to a large kitchen or home improvement retailer and sit with a designer who would show you how their kitchen products would look in your home. The problem with that was that the stores software only had the products that they sold and nothing extra! The days of having to go the a store for a virtual kitchen remodel are long gone. Many computer and home improvement stores now sell programs that are just as powerful as the ones used at major home retailers but with thousands of colors and cabinet designs built in.

These programs will give you the ability to change colors of the cabinets, the walls and everything else in the kitchen. When doing a virtual kitchen remodel you can also experiment with different woods and cabinet design and decide what would look the best in your home.The possibilities and combinations of what can be accomplished with virtual kitchen remodel software is endless and by playing with the program for a few days you should be able to narrow down your final choices for your kitchen remodel.

By taking advantage of the latest virtual kitchen remodel software you will definitely save time, money and frustration when designing your next kitchen project.

Get More useful Home Kitchen Remodeling ideas and tips.

Choosing Using Drywall

10 Steps To Achieving Maximum Performance Through Recognition

As a conscientious leader, you can:

Build a high performance team

Value your team members

Bring out the best in each of the members of the team

Employees will actually become a part of the team. This will happen when they feel included in plans for the future and when they feel rewarded for achieving goals. Everyone wants to be part of the team, part of the company, part of the big picture.

Being included doesnt mean being consulted or being asked for approval. It does mean taking those employees into consideration and keeping them informed of the plan and the progress.

Being rewarded for achieving goals doesnt have to include money or awards but in fact could be just high 5s and back patting as steps are achieved along the way. Show them that you understand that they actually helped achieve that goal. I read that at MDI, every time a major contract was signed, a giant gong in the entrance room was gonged loudly enough so everybody in the building heard it and knew of that success. Timing is important

The word rewarded, conjures up thoughts of money or gifts that are considered expenses or costs. Rewards can of course range anywhere from a thanks, you did a good job to Cash bonuses and everywhere in between. Promotional products fit almost every catagory except cash.

Rewards can be the success of the company and the continuance of operation or even expansion which could lead to promotions and long term employment.

Actual rewards should be considered as investments.


Set criteria for awards program, Present lasting, personalized awards

Standard, classy timeless awards stand the test of time

A personalized award will be kept and treasured

A functional gift will be used and discarded.

Trendy and gimmicky gifts are fun for a while

When your company name is on an award, you are in fact advertising your company while rewarding or acknowledging someone. Everyone will see the image you project.

Set clear objectives for your company


Management & Shareholder needs

Company Vision and Mission Statements


Main or Key products

Ancilliary products

Possible new products


Short term goal, 1 year goal, 5 year goals, beyond Year end

Expansion/merger/takeover plans


Product Volume

Dollar Value



Progress tracking



1. Timing, Timing, Timing. (Not Location, Location, Location)

2. Quality (not cheap, does the trick)

3. Appropriateness (choose the award to match the event)

4. First Impression, Last Impression (there is a 'right' time to make it the best)

5. Corporate Image ( everyone sees what you project. Be good and be constant )

6. Achievability of contests or programs ( make sure you get winners)

7. Image building. Communicate/advertise the program, the winners (You want your image to travel.)

8. Reciprocation creates obligation payoff repayment (be cognizant and make it your advantage.)

9. Consistency exudes reliability ( you see this in all the major players )

10. Focus on all, one at a time
- Families
- Community

Is it all about Recognition, Promotional Products, Awards Program and Incentives? NO!! It's about business. It's about you. It's about them.

You've heard it said 'Business is Business' but I believe more and more that 'Business is Family'. Sure there are times when bad things happen but you get over it, solve the problems and get back to business. Get the 'family' working again.

My name is Rod Winning I own and operate Winning FairWays Inc. Promotional Products for Success I can be contacted at

Rod Winning is President of Winning FairWays Inc. Promotional Products for Success. contact him at or at

Reflective Roofing Materials

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Targeted List Building - 3 Steps to Quickly Build a List

In every business entity, more so to those who are involved in sales and marketing, the need for a larger and bigger database of e-mail list is indispensable and immense. This is because, when the e-mail list becomes bigger the more prospective clients you tend to have. For this reason, a lot of business people are engaging into massive marketing plans in order to generate more and more e-mail lists. So, if your database of e-mail listing is still not on the targeted quota, better start working on it before it becomes too late. Below are some of the ways on how one can actually build his e-mail listing.

a.Create a sign up method very easy and clear. To make sure that potential clients will not have difficulty in locating the sign-up place, position your sign-up box on a highly strategic place. You can put it somewhere on top that it does not serve a destruction on the way a client reads your content. Putting the sign up box at the bottom can sometimes lead to not even having it seen because many people would not even scroll down the page.

b.You can make an invitation to potential clients the manual and traditional method. You can engage into distributing leaflets and flyers where included on it is your request to sign up for the opt-in box seeking for personal information. You can also engage into having it broadcasted via TV and radio announcements. These methods are after all the offshoot of all newer methods.

c.Always include the request to have their e-mail information. By doing this, you are showcasing your respect to their privacy and your commitment to non-enforcing means to collect data. This will in effect give you and your company positive feedback and thus will not be having problems of being branded as a spammer.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1574 articles in print and 11 published eBooks.

Do It Yourself Home Help

List Building and Organic Choice

What if you were able to develop a much more efficient and targeted email marketing campaign based on your approach to list building?

I think its possible and the end result may be a more satisfied group of customers and site visitors and an improved bottom line.

If your website has multiple product lines you may be able to segment your email marketing campaign to reflect the actual interests of your site visitor. The truth is you may be surprised at how this can help you pinpoint areas of interest by your motivated site visitor while minimizing potential inbox clutter for your customers.

Lets say, for the sake of example, you have a company that sells lotions, shampoos and conditioners. You could work to develop list-building techniques using a broad range appeal, but for a more focused approach to email marketing you can develop a separate list service for each broad category.

In this case you may have one list for shampoos, another for lotions and a third for conditioners. It may be that you have site visitors who have an interest in all three, but there will also be some that are interested in one specific product line. You have the ability to keep them happier by developing a means of alerting them to sales and product information related specifically to a product line of their choosing.

If, hypothetically, the product line is shampoos then you provide an opt in link that allows the site visitor to sign up for information about shampoos only.

This list building procedure allows you to better grow your email-marketing list in an organized, yet laser focused manner.

This may seem like more work than you may want to do, but the truth is this gives you greater control and flexibility in satisfying the informational needs of those on your list.

By targeting your online list building efforts you are letting your customers know you are aware of the value of their time and are willing to do what it takes to ensure they are only contacted when there are sales, coupon code offers or new information about the product line they chose.

You can use phrasing like, Click to be alerted to special sales of this product.

Some visitors may want to be included in every list you have available, but for those who may have limited interest in most products, but large interest in a particular product, a more focused approach could help you retain these individuals as consumers of your product line.

In list building it is appropriate to get specific and stay focused.

Scott Lindsay is a web developer and entrepreneur. He is the founder of HighPowerSites and many other web projects. Get your own website online in just 5 minutes with at: Start your own ebook business with BooksWealth at:

Four Bolt Shear Wall Hold Down

Monday, June 9, 2008

5 Fantastic Ideas For Kids' Birthday Cake

The most vital birthday cake idea for your kid is choosing a party cake concept that will fit with the party theme he or she likes to have. For starters, have a sheet cake that is simply topped and decorated all over with your kids' most beloved figures or toys.

You need not settle for the standard circular, rectangular or square cake. You can hide any small disasters in the cake form you produced by piecing it together to form something totally unique. You can shape it up like your kid's favorite animal, cartoon character or action figure.

Some example of fantastic kids' birthday cake ideas:

1. Construction birthday party cake

Is your child a lover of construction vehicles and motor vehicles then this cake idea will be a big hit. You can top it with several tiny toys shaped like bulldozers and dump trucks shoving mountains of chocolate chips or candies. You can also have the cake itself to look like a frosted dump truck loaded with candies and chocolates.

2. Train birthday party cake

Your kid cannot go over with anything connected with trains? Then it would be terrific idea to present him with a birthday cake topped with a miniature train with candy trimmings and running on tracks made of licorice. You can also make a big enough train made from several frosted and brightly colored loaf cakes. Line up these loaf cakes to form train cars. Adorn with candies and chocolate bars for windows.

3. Luau party cake

Is your kid a lover of all things Hawaiian? Then you can present her with a totally luau kid birthday cake made of a simple sheet or round cake festooned with silk flowers for leis. You can also have several cupcakes decorated with frosted flowers and stringed together with long brightly colored marshmallows or licorice. The product would appear like a "cupcake lei."

4. Doll birthday cake

As a base, bake your cake placed in a glass bowl that's oven safe or a special 3D pan shaped like a sports ball. This will make your cake turn out a perfectly round ball shape. You can top it up with your kids' favorite doll.

5. A fabulous castle cake is also a spectacular idea of a kid's birthday cake fit for a princess.

To learn more birthday cake ideas, visit


Highrises - Fact, Fiction, Fun, and For Sale

Unlike the term "skyscraper", the term "highrise" has a fairly widely accepted definition, though the definition DOES vary somewhat depending on the perspective of the definer. According to Emporis, a real estate data firm headquartered in Germany, a highrise is a multi-storied building with a minimum of 12 floors, OR reaching a height of at least 115 feet. While these are probably the most widely accepted requirements, there are others.

The International Conference on Fire Safety in High-Rise Buildings defines a highrise as "any structure where the height can have a serious impact on evacuation", while many in the construction industry consider anything between 75 - 491 feet a highrise, and anything over 492 a skyscraper. Regardless of the minimum height, the maximum height is going UP all the time, so, if living above the city - or even above the clouds - is you thing, read on.

Highrise history goes back a long way, back at least to the Romans who had buildings up to 8 stories high, despite the fact that technology did not allow for water to be pumped up that far. Walled cities in the middle ages meant city space was limited, giving "rise" to highrises from 11 to 14 stories in 16th century Britain. One of the big drawbacks about these historic highrises was the obvious lack of elevators, forcing the unlucky residents to climb many, many steps. The 202 foot London Monument, completed in 1677 (and still standing!), has 311 steps winding up its spiral staircase, while Toronto's CN Tower, completed in 1976 boasts a ridiculous 2,579 stairs - the tallest metal staircase in the world! Not surprisingly, it was the invention of elevators, along with water pumps, steel, and steel-reinforced concrete that gave us the modern highrise.

Steel was very important in the development of the highrise. In 1884 Architect William Le Baron Jenney designed a building whose entire weight was supported by a steel frame. It was Chicago's Home Insurance Building, only ten stories high, but the first of its kind: the world's first skyscraper. At around this time, England was also building towers and highrises, including Shell Mex House which actually measured taller than the Home Insurance Building. A complaint from Queen Victoria soon put a stop to English highrises, however, but by this time Chicago's attention had turned eastward, to what would become the tallest city in America.

While Chicago has the tallest building in the U.S. (the Sears Tower - 1,729 ft) New York City has the most tall buildings - a whopping 195 buildings OVER 492 feet. And while New York will be challenging Chicago's tallest building title with the construction of Freedom Tower (1,776 ft), Chicago will trump that in 2010 with the construction of the Chicago Spire (2,000 ft.). And on it goes. While Chicago and New York have the tallest and the best, most North American cities have a couple of noteworthy skyscrapers. San Francisco has the regal Trans America Pyramid, Atlanta has the 1023 foot Bank of America Plaza, Philadelphia has the new deco style One Liberty Place, and Cleveland - yes, even Cleveland - has the lofty Key Tower.

While the bigger skyscrapers have traditionally been built as a combination of office space and a massive symbol of a city's economic power, today, many of the nation's tallest buildings offer condominium and loft space. Some, like Chicago's Spire, with 1,200 luxury condos, are completely residential, others, are a mix of condos, hotel suites, and retail space. Las Vegas's City Center is a prime example of the latter type of real estate development: four unique and spectacular towers, offering a range of luxurious condos atop 500,000 square feet of retail space, services and amenities. These are just some of the more extravagant examples of the types of amazing homes available today in America's highrises.

Brian Enright is a representative of your first stop for Chicago Condos and Las Vegas Condos. provides customers with all the information they could ever need to find the perfect highrise condo.

Home Help Plans