Saturday, May 24, 2008

Avoid Muscle Soreness If You Want to Gain Muscle Tone

Muscle Soreness Means That You Have Damaged Your Muscles

For the most part, when you experience muscle soreness after a workout, you have damaged your muscles. Muscle soreness is all right if you are mainly focusing on gaining muscle size, but you will want to avoid it if your goal is to tone your body. You see, if your goal is muscle size, you do want to damage the muscles to a certain extent and then eat to rebuild the muscles over a 48-72 hour period of time. After the muscles have repaired, they will hopefully gain a little bit of size.

Why You Want to Avoid Muscle Soreness if You Want to Get Toned

When your muscles are sore, you need to rest those muscle groups. The problem with too much rest is that you are not burning calories when you rest. Getting toned is all about moving, not resting. To burn off maximum amounts of body fat, you need to burn calories as much as possible all day long. Remember, muscle tone is a function of low body fat...low body fat is achieved by a low calorie diet and a ton of cardio.

Muscle Soreness Can Lead To Overtraining

If your body is sore and you hit cardio hard, you will have a strong chance of getting overtrained. The problem with getting overtrained is that your body will release a hormone called cortisol. Cortisol is released by your adrenal glands when your body is put under too much stress. The problem with having a high level of cortisol is that is blocks your ability to burn belly fat. If you want to get a ripped 6 pack, then you want to do your best to limit the amount of cortisol released by your body.

How to Avoid Muscle Soreness

The primary cause of muscle soreness is stressing your muscles too hard while weight training. If you have read any of my other articles, you know I recommend a workout consisting of a lot less lifting than what most personal trainers recommend. You really don't need to kill yourself while lifting. Pick 2-3 exercises per body part and just hit 3-4 sets for each exercise. Don't train to failure and never do forced reps or negatives.

Gaining Muscle Tone is All About Lowering Your Body Fat Anyway

I can't emphasize this enough...muscle tone is achieved on the cardio section in your gym, not in the free-weight area. Almost every person I see in the gym would benefit from doing about 1/2 the amount of lifting they do now and twice the amount of cardio. It isn't glamorous, but it works. If you want ridiculous muscle tone, then spend more time on cardio and less time making your muscles sore.

Avoid Muscle Soreness...You Will Be Happy With The Results!

About the Author: Rusty Moore is an avid trainer who gives advice to men and women who want a physique that attracts the opposite sex. While most trainers focus on gaining as much muscle mass as possible, Rusty focuses on the lean "sleek model look". For men who want the build of Brad Pitt -or- Matthew Mcconaughey and women who want the build of Jessica Alba -or- Jessica Beil, Visit his Website by Clicking this link... Lean Muscle Fitness

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