Friday, May 30, 2008

Puzzles Will Help Advance Your Child

Do your children excel in school? Have they mastered the skills of their grades? Should they skip a level? If a child is out-performing other children, should they go forward in their schooling faster? These questions may be hard for a parent to answer.

However, according to child development experts, the answer is usually no. Too often parents are so flattered by their child's advanced skill level that they want to move them through school faster. This idea plays more toward the parent's sense of "raising their child right" than interest in the child's well-being in the long term. Unfortunately, quicker is not always better. A child may advance intellectually, but will remain on the same social level as his/her same-aged peers. Allowing them to stay in their grade will increase the opportunity to develop friendships and gain communication skills that will benefit them throughout their life. Children understand, communicate, and interact differently at each stage of development. Only with time can children polish those skills. Children also develop different interests as they age. There is a difference between children in 1st grade and second, although it might not be evident at first glance. Social interests also change as children improve physical skill. Fourth graders want to play with children who are at their same level of competency in games and activities. If a child moves through school quickly, they might struggle to develop friendships. Social interactions play a large part in a child's self-esteem and development. For these reasons it is in a child's best interest to stay at their grade level and instead be challenged with content appropriate for their age.

Helping a child to advance academically is a good thing, if it is done appropriately. If you have a first grader who consistently earns good marks in subtraction you may be tempted to move on to multiplication. A better choice is to expand their knowledge within the realm of subtraction. Numbers do not mean anything until they are applied to real life, situations, and problems. Advance the thinking within subtraction. This helps children not only increase their mathematical skills, but reach a deeper level of understanding. Multiple-step problems, word problems, and puzzles challenge different parts of the brain and increase comprehension. These exercises provokes deeper thought, and requires children to think in steps, expanding their understandin5ADg of what subtraction is. Because they will develop life skills they will be more useful as contributing adults to society. They can do more than just spit out numbers and facts, they can apply it. This is a powerful skill.

There are many puzzles that will challenge the advanced child. One example is Sudoku. There are many levels in the game and all ages can play. Other puzzles include: riddles, anagrams, doublets, picture puzzles, chess problems, math puzzles, and logic puzzles. Is one puzzle better than another? No. Puzzles should be geared toward the interest of the child. Tastes, skills and interests form at a remarkably early age. Use your child's interests to enlarge and expand their thinking. By cultivating interests and introducing puzzles your child will be successful academically and socially.

Emma Snow works a pragmatic puzzler at the Puzzle Place and Chess Strategies leading puzzle portals.

Wall Intersection With 4 X 6

Let Energy Savings Pay For Home Improvements Like Replacement Windows

In this day and age of ever-rising fuel costs, not having your home properly insulated is like throwing money out the window. Literally, in fact, as old, leaky windows are a prime source of residential heat loss. Replacement windows alone can make a dramatic difference, with energy savings of up to 40% in monthly fuel bills.

Stair Maintenance

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Ten Questions To Ask Before You Buy A Property

You're in the market for a property and stumble upon the perfect 3-bedroom house in the neighbourhood of your choice. The asking price is within budget. How do you know if you're paying too much or if the property is something you should even make an offer on?

The answer:

information. Going into negotiations armed with accurate, up-to-date information gives you a competitive edge over less-informed buyers, boosts your confidence levels, puts the real estate agent on notice that you know what you are talking about, and increases your likelihood of securing the property you want at the right price.

One of the best ways of obtaining information is by asking. Ask open-ended questions, those that open the way to more questions and more information, and eventually the right answers.

Here are ten useful questions every buyer should be armed with when talking with the vendors, or what is more likely, the real estate agent.

  1. Why are the vendors asking this price for the property?

    If you've done your homework beforehand, you would already have an idea of what would be a reasonable price range the property can fetch.

    By asking the basis for the asking price, you are trying to find out whether the figure is backed by comparable sales in the neighbourhood, or if it is something plucked out of the air by either the vendor or the agent. The real estate industry is notorious for commission rage, which can drive agents to do almost anything to secure a listing and the commission that follows when the property is sold.

  2. Has the price been reduced while it was on the market?

    If it has, this tells you that the vendor's initial expectations may have been on the high side, and he has since had to reduce the price to something the market will realistically accept. A vendor who may be feeling somewhat deflated over a price reduction may be more open to negotiating with you.

  3. How long has the property been on the market?

    The longer a property has been on the market with no takers, the more likely the vendor will be prepared to be flexible about the asking price. In contrast, if the property has been newly listed, the vendor may not be so flexible because he wants to wait and see if better offers come along.

    Suppose you find out that a property has been on the market for 3 months. From your own due diligence, you may even be able to figure out why. For instance, the property may be on the main road, or next to a school, or perhaps it has an electrical substation on it. Knowing this can give you additional leverage during negotiations, assuming you aren't already put off making an offer.

  4. Why are the vendors selling?

    Are the vendors moving interstate? Upgrading to a bigger home? Has there been a divorce or death in the family? Such changes in circumstances could make the vendors motivated to sell quickly so they can move on with their lives. A motivated vendor could present an opportunity for a shrewd buyer.

  5. What offers have the vendors had?

    If there have been plenty of offers, you know you have competition, and you will need to be prepared to offer more than you originally planned if you want a decent chance of securing the property.

    On the other hand, if there have been no offers, the vendor may be more open to negotiations, giving you leeway to present an offer below the asking price.

    There is another possible scenario: there have been several offers, but the vendors have turned them all down because the price wasn't right or the conditions were too restrictive. Knowing why the previous offers were rejected gives you additional information to factor into your decision-making, and the opportunity to present your offer with the best possible chance of success.

  6. When do the occupants have to move out?

    Are the current occupants the owners or tenants? If they are tenants, their stay would be subject to the terms of the tenancy agreement and whether they wish to stay on. If they are the owners, you would want to know if they are in a hurry to move. For instance, they may have bought another property and their new property is due for settlement. If you are able to offer a quick settlement, the vendors would appreciate it and may be more prepared to accept a lower offer than they otherwise would have.

  7. What price will you take?

    The asking price is not the final price that the vendors are prepared to accept. They may be flexible within a certain range, say $5,000.

  8. What's included i1682n the sale?

    The agent may tell you "anything that is fixed to the house stays", but for your own protection, you should ask specific questions. Does the dishwasher come with the house? Will the light shades remain or will the vendors take them, leaving only the globes? What about the cubby house in the backyard? The inclusions and exclusions (if you prefer the house as bare as possible) are another opportunity to negotiate a win-win deal.

  9. How flexible is the vendor with contract conditions?

    In contracts of sale, it is standard for the buyer to specify that the purchase is subject to certain conditions. The more common ones are:

      *Subject to finance: This means that if you aren't able to obtain loan approval from your lender, you are legally entitled to cancel the contract and have your deposit refunded.
      *Subject to satisfactory pest and building inspection: As a buyer, you are entitled to engage qualified professionals to physically inspect the property to see if there are any problems with termites, timber rot, electrical installations and the like. If you are not satisfied with the report outcome, you can use the repairs required as a bargaining tool in negotiations.

    A flexible vendor would allow you to include most, if not all, of your conditions for buying the property. Some vendors, however, may not want the hassle because they want a quick sale. If you have too many conditions, they may just reject your offer and sell the property to a less demanding buyer.

  10. Is there anything else I need to know?

    You never know what the vendor or agent might say if you ask this question. In their efforts to close the sale, they may unwittingly disclose valuable information that could help you make that final call.

Serena Tan is a writer and career coach living in Melbourne, Australia. She helps people evaluate their careers, health and wellness, personal growth, and ethical ways of making money online.

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Wood Baluster

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Water, Water Everywhere on the Waterfront

Waterfront living is among the most desirable of locations in our area (Florida). The views and vistas are fantastic, not to mention the ability to walk out one's door to drop a line to fish or untie a line to enjoy boating. However, all this joy is not without some special concerns.

The most common fear heard from waterfront homebuyers is their concern that the river may rise and roll into their home. While it is not an impossible scenario, it is truly rare. More often than not, the water that posses the greatest risk to the waterfront home is not from the river, but rather from the water flowing overland toward the river.

Always remember that the river is the place that all water flows to. How a particular home is oriented to or obstructs the flow of water moving toward the river determines how dry the house remains. And for many homes in is not just how dry it is in the home, but also under the home.

The majority of water that affects the home is the surface water flowing toward the river. The volume of water can be in the thousands of gallons per hour during a heavy shower. If the grade of the lot is not proper, this can mean thousands of gallons of water in or under the home.

So, when looking at waterfront property, enjoy the view over the water, but be sure to look inland to be sure that your experience with water front living won't be with water in the living room!

But what should you do after you've experienced a flooded home? There is hope! Your home and its contents may look damaged beyond repair, but many items can be restored. There is a high probability that by acting quickly, your flooded home can be cleaned up, dried out, rebuilt, and reoccupied sooner than you think.

After your home has been flooded, play it safe. Always seek professional help. And while in the midst of cleaning and repairing, consider your preparation for the future. The American Red Cross and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) suggests the following steps if your home has been flooded:

  • Take Care of Yourself First - Protect yourself and your family from stress, fatigue, and health hazards that follow a flood.
  • Give Your Home First Aid - Once it is safe to go back in, protect your home and contents from further damage.
  • Get Organized - Some things are not worth repairing and some things may be too complicated or expensive for you to do by yourself. A recovery plan can take these things into account and help you make the most of your time and money.
  • Dry Out Your Home - Floodwaters damage materials, leave mud, silt and unknown contaminants, and promote the growth of mildew. You need to dry your home to reduce these hazards and the damage they cause.
  • Restore the Utilities - The rest of your work will be much easier if you have heat, electricity, clean water, and sewage disposal.
  • Clean Up - The walls, floors, closets, shelves, contents and any other flooded parts of your home should be thoroughly washed and disinfected.
  • Check on Financial Assistance - Voluntary agencies, businesses, insurance, and government disaster programs can help you through recovery.
  • Rebuild and Flood-proof - Take your time to rebuild correctly and make improvements that will protect your building from damage by the next flood.
  • Prepare for the Next Flood - Protect yourself from the next flood with flood insurance, a flood response plan, and community flood protection programs. This step also includes sources to go to for additional assistance.

For more information on repairing your home after a flood, please visit

Many people highly prize waterfront living, and find it a deeply fulfilling experience. Knowing what to look for when choosing waterfront property will make your life on the water easier and more rewarding. Choose and plan wisely - it's about knowing!

Wally Conway is President of Florida HomePro Inspections, and has been featured regularly on HGTV's "House Detective". Wally has recently written a book entitled "Secrets of the Happy Home Inspector", available at or As a speaker, writer, instructor, and host of The Happy Home Inspector radio show every Saturday at 3 PM on WOKV 690, Wally blends the right amount of up-to-date information with just the right amount of humor, insight, motivation, and real-world application. Visit for more information!

Surface Mount Electrical Panel

Avoid Muscle Soreness If You Want to Gain Muscle Tone

Muscle Soreness Means That You Have Damaged Your Muscles

For the most part, when you experience muscle soreness after a workout, you have damaged your muscles. Muscle soreness is all right if you are mainly focusing on gaining muscle size, but you will want to avoid it if your goal is to tone your body. You see, if your goal is muscle size, you do want to damage the muscles to a certain extent and then eat to rebuild the muscles over a 48-72 hour period of time. After the muscles have repaired, they will hopefully gain a little bit of size.

Why You Want to Avoid Muscle Soreness if You Want to Get Toned

When your muscles are sore, you need to rest those muscle groups. The problem with too much rest is that you are not burning calories when you rest. Getting toned is all about moving, not resting. To burn off maximum amounts of body fat, you need to burn calories as much as possible all day long. Remember, muscle tone is a function of low body fat...low body fat is achieved by a low calorie diet and a ton of cardio.

Muscle Soreness Can Lead To Overtraining

If your body is sore and you hit cardio hard, you will have a strong chance of getting overtrained. The problem with getting overtrained is that your body will release a hormone called cortisol. Cortisol is released by your adrenal glands when your body is put under too much stress. The problem with having a high level of cortisol is that is blocks your ability to burn belly fat. If you want to get a ripped 6 pack, then you want to do your best to limit the amount of cortisol released by your body.

How to Avoid Muscle Soreness

The primary cause of muscle soreness is stressing your muscles too hard while weight training. If you have read any of my other articles, you know I recommend a workout consisting of a lot less lifting than what most personal trainers recommend. You really don't need to kill yourself while lifting. Pick 2-3 exercises per body part and just hit 3-4 sets for each exercise. Don't train to failure and never do forced reps or negatives.

Gaining Muscle Tone is All About Lowering Your Body Fat Anyway

I can't emphasize this enough...muscle tone is achieved on the cardio section in your gym, not in the free-weight area. Almost every person I see in the gym would benefit from doing about 1/2 the amount of lifting they do now and twice the amount of cardio. It isn't glamorous, but it works. If you want ridiculous muscle tone, then spend more time on cardio and less time making your muscles sore.

Avoid Muscle Soreness...You Will Be Happy With The Results!

About the Author: Rusty Moore is an avid trainer who gives advice to men and women who want a physique that attracts the opposite sex. While most trainers focus on gaining as much muscle mass as possible, Rusty focuses on the lean "sleek model look". For men who want the build of Brad Pitt -or- Matthew Mcconaughey and women who want the build of Jessica Alba -or- Jessica Beil, Visit his Website by Clicking this link... Lean Muscle Fitness

Home Mold Test Kits

How To A Buy A Brand New Home Or Investment Property, Earn Equity Without Mortgage Payments And Save

Many people hear about buying brand new homes in the pre-construction phase of development and having their home value increase as its being built. These stories usually involve someone getting in during the earliest stage of development when the builders initially release the new homes for sale and typically offer home buyers good incentives and competitive pricing to pre sell as many new homes as possible. Many new home buyers have found that new-construction purchasing is the best way to own a new home or condo (reserving a price in the market), but postponing their closing date until the new home is completed, in some cases, can take as long 6-12 months to complete construction on the new home community.

Giving buyers time to sell their current house, save for additional down payment, or find a competitive lender. Along the same lines, most builders only require the buyer to put down a small amount of down payment money when purchasing a home in a new home community (anywhere from $1,000-18,000 depending on price of house) upfront. After making this payment, one does not typically need to put more money down or make a single mortgage payment until the new home is built, or they close on it. So, if you are still making mortgage payments on your existing home, theres no need to worry about making double mortgage payments until your new house or investment property is completed and you close escrow.

Another benefit of buying a new home in the early stages of construction is the home owner can be assured that their new home will be low maintenance once the new home is built. Builders are required by law to give specific minimum warranties to ensure that one will not face any major problems during the first few years of living in your new home. One of the warranties is a minimum of 1-year bumper to bumper warranty, which ensures that everything in the home is covered by the builder. There is also a 2-year warranty that covers all systems (electrical, plumbing, heating and air conditioning, etc.) in the home. Another warranty is the 10-year structural warranty that covers foundation and other structural problems.

One more benefit of purchasing a pre-built home is that the buyer will get to choose many features in their home. Depending on the progress of construction, one can often choose flooring, cabinetry, light, plumbing fixtures, etc. A buyer can either go with the upgrades, or they can keep the standard features in order to keep costs down. When buying a new home during the early phases of development, he or she usually has the option to choose the floor plan they want to use and the lot they want to build on.

To be amongst the first to choose and save when purchasing a brand new pre-built home or to learn more about pre-construction home buying, please visit: First Release Homes

Home Mold Test Kits

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Are You Losing Customers Because of Typos?

Overlooking simple steps such as proofreading and grammar can affect the credibility of your website. How are you protecting yourself?

A potential customer on the internet has a disadvantage over a customer walking into a brick and mortar store. Whereas the physical store has the credibility of location, physical presence (you can find them if theres a problem) as well as community reputation, a customer on the internet can only rely on your words to determine if they can trust you or your services. To do so they judge the credibility of a site by a variety of criteria.

Do Customers Really Care?

A Consumer Report by WebWatch looked at the factors that influence a persons opinion of the credibility of various websites. The report indicated that although the look of a site had the most influence on a visitor, the tone of writing and functionality of the site also affected the visitors opinion of whether a site was credible or not.

Simple steps such as providing clear information, checking that links are working, using proper grammar and checking for typos are often overlooked in the excitement of building a website or writing a sales letter and driving traffic to it. Although the site might look wonderful, what impression is left on the customer when links are dead and the copy is poorly written or hard to follow?

Its Easy to Fix

By reviewing your site from the viewpoint of a customer, ask yourself; is the information is easy to understand? Do the relevant links work? And is the navigation of the site easy to follow? Since website surfers are known for short attention spans, and marketers spend much time and effort getting them to a website, you do not want them to leave because of avoidable mistakes.

Easy reading also relates to simple color schemes. Black print on a white background is almost always the best choice. Although funky or trendy colors may work well for attention, they can cause strain to the eyes of the viewer when used for copy. Save the color for other areas.

Also choose easy to read fonts like Arial, Times New Roman etc. Fancy fonts are difficult to read and may be distorted on different browsers.

Get an Outsider's Viewpoint

Naturally, it is difficult to be completely objective about our own work, so ask a friend or family member to check things out for you. If they are similar to your target market, even better. Dont ask someone who will not be honest. Remember, your business depends on your contact with customers. It is better to see where your copy needs improvement from the beginning than to miss out on customers who were put off because of mistakes, bad links or unclear information.

If you do not have someone who can help you, you can also hire the services of a virtual assistant. Virtual assistants are available for many specialties, as well as general business needs such as proofreading.

Whichever you choose, do take pride in your writing and show respect of your customers time and intelligence by providing the best information you can for them.

Shannon Emmanuel owns and operates Your Virtual Assistant. Great service and reasonable rates for the small business owner:

First Steps To Home Remodeling
Kitchen Remodeling As A Home Imp

Essence of Awakeness

Be conscious, aware, and alert. Pay attention. Remember when you were in elementary school and the teacher used to say pay attention now, this is important? Well, this is important. Wake up! What does it take to wake up an adult? Many people go through life on automatic, doing life as it comes along. What kind of things occurs that is considered a wake up call? The death of a loved one, a miracle, a near death experience, the birth of a child, a divorce, a marriage, a spiritual experience, a great accomplishment, a serious illness, an award, losing a job, winning the lottery, which of these would wake you up?

It seems like a joke to think of people living their lives asleep, but is it? How many of you miss out on a good part of your own life because you are not present? What does that mean? Present is a word that is highly overused and has become a buzzword for enlightenment junkies. So lets look at what it really means. When am I present?

When I am fully in my body at full attention to what I am doing at that very moment. Noting of course, that moment to moment my presence changes depending on who is coming and going in my life. I had a spiritual teacher once who used to tell me to practice staying present while I was driving the car. I dont know about you but my mind goes elsewhere the minute I get that seatbelt hooked and turn the ignition key. You know that commercial where the guy is testing the cell phone and keeps saying Can you hear me now? That to me is a great example of being present. Its like constantly saying to yourself Am I here now?

In a conversation, are you thinking about your response? If you are, youre in the future. Are you thinking about what you forgot to say or your tone of voice when you responded to the last statement? If you are, youre in the past. So what does it take to be present? I think it takes giving up thinking about being anything. I think it means being.

That sounds very mysterious, but in the realm of living, what does it mean? I have coached many people in crisis to deal with their situation by being present. The only time one has to be in fear is if your life is in danger from something specific. Most fear and anxiety exists primarily in our brains. When someone dies, we immediately go to what will life be like without this person. Is that present? Not at all. Present in that situation is I am here breathing and seeing and hearing and experiencing grief. I am not in danger. I am not threatened. I am healthy and well and in my body. Yes, I may miss this person, even now, but most of the anxiety comes from the projections about what will life be like in the future or remembering all the great times of the past.

I once climbed a 60 ft high telephone pole and jumped off of it to a trapeze and I am very afraid of heights. How did I do it? I knew that I could step from one piton to another, it was only looking up or down that would cause me fear. So I reminded myself each step of the way that I was only stepping up one step at a time and I only paid attention to the part of the pole that I could see in front of me. What happened? I climbed to the top one step at a time and when I got near the top I let go of the pole and walked up those pitons like I was walking up a short flight of stairs. It was a physical experience of staying present, which has stayed with me for many years.

So what about awakeness in terms of relationship? Are things happening in your relationship that you ignore? Do you get intuitive flashes that your partner is putting his/her attention elsewhere? Do you ignore slights or subtle insinuations? Are you assuming that everything is okay because you dont fight, argue, or disagree? Perhaps you dont communicate enough to create dissension. Does your partner really hear what you are saying and is what you are saying what you really mean? Are you the husband who tunes out his wifes nagging? And is she nagging because you dont really listen to what she says in the first place? Are you the whiney wife who wants attention and complains about what a joke it is to have your husband get anything done?

Relationships are an entity unto themselves. Ideally wives and husbands listen to each other exclusive of outside interference. A time to decompress and unwind after work is optimal. What a fantasy it would be to have a little decompression chamber that you step into as you leave your work and it stores and detoxifies all of your work stress until you return the next day, leaving each of you free to be yourself with your partner.

What does it take to be awake and in relationship? A good start would be a real understanding of each others personality, knowledge of each others stress strategy, love strategy, and relationship strategy. The primary thing necessary to be awake in your relationship is a solid sense that no matter what, this person that you are in relationship with is ALWAYS on your side. Does that mean you can never disagree? Not at all. It does however, mean that you believe in that person and he/she believes in you. That you have an awakeness about each other that doesnt allow you to buy into each others stories. That you can agree to disagree and still love each other. That your relationship is free of hidden agenda, secrets, and mistrust. There is a basic commitment to support each other and be honest and that you tell each other the truth even if you are the one who will be vulnerable in this particular situation. It is the ability to be wrong in this persons eyes and still be right by virtue of being wrong and admitting to it.

I like to think that I am one of those human beings who has made the choices necessary to stay present in my own life. I wasnt always that way, but through a series of courses, enlightening experiences and tragic circumstances, I have managed to shake myself into a heightened state of awakeness a good part of the time. Presence is a mantra. I preach it. I live it. I honor it as the most useful tool in a crisis. Presence is awakeness. Embrace it. It will give you life.

One more thing! If you combine presence with passion you will rise out

The essence of passion is love. Passion is what drives us and gets us up in the morning. My life purpose is to live a passionate life of spiritual connection, creative abundance, playful exploration and pure honesty. When I live my life from this, it flows. I have successes. I have money. I have fun. In relationship, passion is a prime ingredient. Although sexual passion is vital, passion for living is what I am referring to here. Loving what you do. Being excited about getting up in the morning because you have something to do that turns you on. Someone you cant wait to see. Work you cant wait to begin. Somewhere you have never been before that you are about to explore. Dragging yourself to a job that holds no energy for you is mediocrity and just doesnt cut it. In your life and particularly your relationships, settling for less than what you want is a sell out. It is possible to have a relationship that isnt just about logistics, money, work and kids. So many people settle for longevity or security when they are in long-term relationships. Its easier to stay in a mediocre relationship and settle for financial security than it is to confront the issues and risk having nothing. Im not suggesting you quit, Im suggesting you take action. Delve into your relationship. Find the gaps, the baggage, the ruts and the time bombs and start removing them. Get some help if you need it. Hire a coach. Get a strategy, dont just watch it disintegrate. It is my belief that you have to be willing to risk losing whatever you think you have in order to get what you want, but isnt it worth any price to have joy and passion and love and trust and true spiritual connection in your life?

In order to get what you want you have to know exactly what you want. Design your life. Design your relationships. Think big. Do you think that anyone who has ever won an Olympic gold medal accomplished that without ever having decided to do it? I think the decision part is the hard part. Once a decision has been made and you have a clear outcome in your vision, all you have to do is put one foot in front of the other and take care of the business that shows up. The rest is up to God and the universe.

So, if you want a relationship, decide to have one. Design the person you want to meet and go out and do whats in front of you. Decide if you want to get married. If you want to revive your relationship, decide to have it different. Then go do it. Passionately attack life and take risks, whats the worst that can happen?

Relationship coaching is life coaching. Life becomes extraordinary when we discover that being absolutely committed to taking care of ourselves leads to abundance in every aspect of our lives.

Susan Sheppard
Getting What You Want

Official Words from Getting What You Want If you would like to use the article written by Susan in this edition of Getting What You Want, permission is granted as long as the copy remains unchanged and the resource information is included at the bottom of the article:

Web site: Buy my book Enroll in an e-course e-mail me at

"I help people who want sacred intimacy in a hot relationship, get what they want from each other so that they can experience more fun, more sex and less bickering!"

Finishing Baseboard Trim
Basics Of Woodworking Planes

Fall Protection

Anchor Point - A secure point of attachment for lifelines, lanyards, or deceleration devices. An anchorage must be capable of supporting a minimum dead weight of five thousand (5,000) pounds (2,268 kilograms) for each person attached to it. An anchor point is often a beam, girder, column, or floor.

Competent Person - Any Supervisor who has been trained to inspect fall-arresting equipment such as horizontal and vertical lifelines.

Lanyard - A rope (nylon or steel cable) suitable for supporting one person.

Lifeline - A vertically suspended rope with one end attached to a stationary object (such as a structural member), capable of supporting at least five thousand (5000) pounds (2,268 kilograms) of dead weight and the other end attached to a lanyard or safety harness.

Qualified Inspector - Any experienced craftsperson or Supervisor who has demonstrated to Project/Site Management his or her ability and competency to inspect equipment.

Retractable Lifeline - A fall-arrest device that allows free travel, without slack rope, but locks instantly when a fall begins. Retractable lifelines may be used, but horizontal movement must be limited.

Rope Grabs (Fall-Arrester) - Automatic lifeline devices that act by inertia (resistance to movement) to grab the lifeline if a fall occurs. Rope grabs are used when vertical movement is required, such as work from boatswain chairs or suspended scaffolds.

Safety Harness - A safety harness is an approved design of straps which may be secured about the employees body in a manner to distribute the fall-arrest forces over at least the thighs, pelvis, waist, chest, and shoulders, with a means for attaching it to other components of a personal fall-arrest system.

Static Line or Catenary Line - A cable or rope strung horizontally and/or vertically from one substantial object to another, providing a means of traveling between those two objects while maintaining fall protection between those objects.

Structural/Substantial Object - Any object to which a lifeline or lanyard may be attached that will support five thousand (5000) pounds (2,268 kilograms) of dead weight.


1. Fall Elimination
The first step in this approach is to assess the workplace and the work itself in the earliest design/engineering stages of the Project/Site and during the planning stages of all work. The objective is to eliminate all fall hazards. This assessment of the Project/Site and the work not only helps eliminate hazards but also identifies alternative approaches to the work that can measurably enhance productivity.

Addressing fall protection in the early phases of a Project/Site means that safety can be designed into the work process. For example, the Project/Site can be designed so that anchorages for securing fall-arrest systems are provided at strategic locations throughout the Project/Site, thus improving safety and lowering costs.

2. Fall Prevention
The second step in continuous fall protection also requires assessing the workplace and work processes.

If fall hazards cannot be completely eliminated during the first step, management must take a proactive approach to the prevention of falls by improving the workplace. Early installation of stairs, guardrails, barriers, and travel restriction systems can ensure a safe work environment.

3. Fall Arresting
The third step, the last line of defense against falls, is to use fall-arresting equipment. Use fall-arresting equipment, however, ONLY after determining that potential falls cannot be eliminated by changing work procedures or the workplace. Equipment such as harnesses, lanyards, shock absorbers, fall-arresters, lifelines, anchorages, and safety nets can reduce the risk of injury if a fall occurs. Carefully assess the workplace and work processes to select the most appropriate equipment and to install and use it correctly.

Fall protection plans shall be prepared for elevated work if fall hazards exist. Where fall hazards are significant, the plans should be in writing. Project/Site Management is responsible for determining which jobs require written plans. The requirement for written plans should be included in all applicable contracts.

Consult your Safety Director/Manager for assistance in developing written plans.

Engineering should include fall hazard management in all designs and should consider the following:
Providing equipment that will allow facilities to be operated from grade level or an approved platform or maintenance access.
Using methods of construction that allow equipment to be connected/installed while on the ground to eliminate elevated work.
In cases where elevated work is necessary, installing fall prevention devices such as rails on the workpieces while on the ground to facilitate fall prevention.
Specifying and insisting that fabricators supply permanent stairs and guardrails before steel is erected.

In this way, the stairs and steel can be erected simultaneously, improving not only safety, but also efficiency. Employees will have safe access and egress, and the necessity of climbing temporary ladders will be reduced or eliminated.

If fall hazard elimination or prevention is not available, identify or install engineered anchor points to facilitate the use of fall-arresting equipment during construction and future maintenance of the facility.

All personnel performing work at elevated positions shall meet the following requirements:
must be trained in the use, inspection, and maintenance of fall-arrest systems;
must demonstrate competency in initial training;
must undergo refresher training as required by changes in the workplace and/or equipment, or as other events indicate that refresher training may be required.

When working at an elevation of six (6) feet (1.8 meters) or more above grade, floor, or approved work surfaces such as platforms and scaffolds, or when working in an area where a fall potential of greater than six (6) feet (1.8 meters) exists, employees will utilize a full-body harness with a roper means of attachment.

If traversing at an elevation, employees must be tied off at all times, which may require utilizing either two (2) independent shock-absorbing lanyards or a dual (Y) lanyard with a shock-absorbing device.

All Contractors/Subcontractors will provide full-body harnesses meeting ANSI (American National Standards Institute). Safety belts are NOT allowed for fall protection.

Standard full-body harnesses are not designed for a combined personnel and tool weight in excess of three hundred (300) pounds (137 kilograms). Personnel weighing more than three hundred (300) pounds (137 kilograms), with tools, must consult the Project/Site Safety Representative prior to using fall-arresting equipment.

Lanyards must meet the following requirements:
Maximum length of a lanyard is six (6) feet (1.8 meters) in length, and it must be equipped with selflocking hooks on each end.
The lanyard must be equipped with shock absorber.
Snap hooks must be of a double-locking design to prevent accidental disengagement. When not in use, the lanyard must be secured and attached to the harness to prevent tripping or snagging.
The lanyard must not be dragged.
The lanyard must not be hooked back into itself unless designed for that purpose.
Knots must not be tied in a lanyard. This will reduce the strength of the lanyard.

Anchor points may be an existing structure, a pipe, or a temporary or permanent engineered device such as an installed eyebolt, slide rail, or cable arrangement (e.g., static line). These anchor points must be inspected daily prior to use, by a qualified inspector. Engineered anchor points must be inspected by a competent person.

Anchor points for lanyards/harnesses and vertical lifelines must meet the following requirements:
be able to safely support one person falling six (6) feet (1.8 meters);
be installed in a manner that prevents accidental disengagement from support structures;
be inspected by a competent person on a periodic basis;
be placed where attachment and detachment can be done without causing loss of balance;
be placed above shoulder height to reduce fall distance; and
be free of sharp edges to avoid cutting the lanyard.

The following are examples of anchor points for individuals using harnesses, lanyards or vertical lifelines:
Adequate For Use
structural beams six (6) inches (15.24 centimeters) or greater in depth for one (1) or more people;
pipes four (4) inches (10.16 centimeters) or greater for one (1) person;
pipes six (6) inches (15.24 centimeters) or greater for two (2) people;
fixed permanent ladder rails and clips for one (1) person;
permanent platform handrail post below midrail for one (1) person.

Not Adequate For Use
platform or scaffold handrails (except as noted above);
scaffold ladders;
any part of a valve; and
ladder cages and rungs.

Horizontal lifelines must be installed and used according to manufacturers specifications. The following guidelines should also be followed:
Softeners must be used where lifelines contact sharp edges, such as beam flanges.
Temporary lifelines must be removed at the completion of a job.
Anchor points, connectors, and other system components must be capable of safely supporting one (1) person falling six (6) feet (1.8 meters).
A vertical lifeline shall be used by only one (1) person at a time.

NOTE!!! Horizontal and vertical lifelines must be inspected and maintained by a competent person on a daily basis.

The rope grab must be used with a rope that meets or exceeds the following requirements:
Rope grab size must match rope size;
Minimum diameter of five-eighths (5/8) inch (1.59 centimeters) rope;
Made of polypropylene, nylon, or polyester;
Minimum tensile strength of five thousand (5,000) pounds (2,268 kilograms); and
When rope grabs are used with wire rope, it must be a complete system. (Rope grab must be designed for a specific type and size of wire rope.)

A retractable lifeline is a fall-arresting device used in conjunction with other components of a fall-arrest system. A retractable lifeline should be used by only one (1) person at a time.

A properly inspected and maintained retractable lifeline, when correctly installed and used within the fall arrest system, automatically stops a persons descent a short distance after the onset of an accidental fall.

Retractable lifelines should be considered for use when working in areas such as roofs and scaffolds, tanks, towers, vessels, and manholes. Also, retractable lifelines should be considered when climbing such equipment as vertical fixed ladders and telescoping derricks.

Before using a retractable lifeline, the Supervisor and/or the user must address the following:
Has the user been trained to use a retractable lifeline correctly?
Is the retractable lifeline being used in conjunction with a complete fall-arrest system?
Is the equipment under a regular maintenance program?

Other considerations include:
Attach self-retracting devices using shackles or carabiner.
Equipment must be hung up or placed loosely in a clean, dry area when storing.

Project/Site Management must ensure that documented monthly inspections are completed on all fallarresting equipment, including harnesses, lanyards, lifelines, and anchor points.

The inspector shall complete Form S31-2, Fall-Arresting Equipment Inspection Report, and forward the completed form to the Project/Site Safety Office or the designated person.

Prior to each use, a visual inspection shall be made of the safety harness, lifeline, and lanyard(s) by the employee who will be wearing and using the equipment.

All components of a fall-protection system must be tagged and inspected on a determined frequency. For devices that require additional certification, the devices shall be returned to the manufacturer or designated representative at the specified intervals for certification. These inspections must be documented.

If a fall should occur, Project/Site Management must perform the following:
Remove affected fall-arresting equipment from service.
Have the equipment inspected and approved by the manufacturers representative, prior to returning the equipment to service.

If the equipment is unfit for further use, cut up the equipment and discard.

Inspections must be conducted in the following manner:
These items must be checked for the following:
Beginning at one end, six (6) inches (15.24 centimeters) to eight (8) inches (20.32 centimeters) of the harness/lanyard must be bent into a U-shape. This helps reveal worn, cut, frayed, burned, or damaged fibers. Both splices and all straps along the entire length must be checked.
Webbing must be carefully checked at attachment points to buckles and D rings.
The shock-absorbing section of the lanyard must be checked for ripped stitches.
The harness/lanyard must be checked for broken/frayed strands.

Buckles/D Rings/Connectors/Retractalock/Ropelock
These items must be checked for the following:
rough, sharp edges;
dents or distortion; and
freely moving parts.

NOTE!!! Also ensure that the clasp on the Ropelock or cable on the Retractalock stops with a quick pull.

Snap Hooks (Gate Locking Keepers/Gate Keeper Spring/Connectors)

These items must be checked for the following:
Snap hooks must be double-locking and must move freely.
Snap hooks must be checked for gaps in closure, sharp edges, burrs, distortion, cracks, corroded surfaces, and pitted surfaces.

Labels Each harness and lanyard must have a label that displays the manufacturing date. If the date is more than five (5) years from the current date, the harness or lanyard must be destroyed and a new one obtained.

The following are special requirements associated with working at elevated locations or while using fall arresting equipment:
Workers must avoid climbing on equipment such as pumps, exchangers, valve hand wheels, transformers, electric motors, handrails, structures, or any other facilities not specifically designed for climbing.
Climbing on conduit, cable trays, or other similar equipment is not permitted. Climbing of vertical beams is not permitted.
Workers must not climb a ladder while another person is above or below on the same ladder. Fall protection shall be utilized consistent with the specific exemptions and clarifications listed in the Fall Hazard Management Requirements Guide.

Charles Morrison, Certified Safety Professional has published several articles and has presented papers at professional safety conferences while he has worked for major oil & gas companies and has created his own company, Safety Consulting Services. Charles holds a patent for a cold weather gas measuring device using body heat. He is active in the American Society of Safety Engineers.

Exterior Wood Stairs
Fallbrook Church Bell Tower

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Will New Batteries Make Laptops Truly Mobile?

Current laptops or notebook computers have one major obstacle to overcome: short battery life.

Despite their sleek style and ever increasing higher performance levels, laptops have never been truly mobile. With batteries averaging around 3 to 5 hours of usable power, most laptops are limited in the amount of time they can spent away from the warm electrical embrace of a wall plug-in.

As most laptop owners will attest, running out of power when you're sending that all important business email or watching your favorite movie has always registered high on the annoyance meter. In today's lingo --- it sucks big time!

Sure, things are improving, as new technology come on stream (dual-core processors, hyper-threading) users are getting longer battery life from their laptops. But even as laptops become smaller and more efficient, short battery life is still a limiting factor for most laptops.

Fully loaded power sapping gaming laptops have been hardest hit by this problem. Try playing a game or watching a movie on battery power at your favorite beach for any extended time and you will see why laptop batteries are in dire need of an overhaul.

Laptop manufacturers are no doubt aware of this issue and may be relieved help is on the way. Actually, the solution to the power-challenged laptop is already here.

Once more, new technology comes to the rescue.

Short battery life for laptops and for all handheld electronic devices will probably be solved by two new energy sources: micro fuel cells and printable solar cells.

Micro fuel cells can use such fuels as alcohol or methanol and offers ten times the power of conventional batteries using only 1/20th the weight. Perfectly suited for laptops or notebook computers. It actually burns fuel which can be quickly replenished by merely refilling its reservoir or replacing a fresh fuel cartridge. As everyone knows, recharging a conventional cell battery takes hours, this new battery will only take seconds to recharge or rather refuel.

One of the major leaders in this new technology is MTI with its Micro's Mobion cord-free power pack which will probably replace lithium ion batteries. These use direct methanol fuel cells (DMFC). Expect these creatures to be in almost 22% of all of handheld devices by 2011. And if these new micro fuel cells are embraced by the buying public; you can kiss your lithium ion battery goodbye long before that date!

Read more info on Micro Fuel Cells here:

Even more promising is printable solar cells that folds out or can be wrapped around or built into a laptop, giving them a renewable energy source and power. One of the leaders in this new technology is Konarka. They produce a flexible lightweight photovoltaic plastic material that will give any device solar energy.

As sunlight is not always available, Konarka technology uses all types of light, including indoor light, to produce electrical energy. These inexpensive printable solar cells could have many applications, including a source of power for laptops. Cheap, renewable and plentiful.

Read more on Photovoltaic Solar Cells here:

What we will probably see in the future is a hybrid of the two technologies, micro fuel cells and photovoltaic solar cells, working in tangent to give laptops an energy source that never runs out. Unlimited power available anywhere, anytime.

Micro fuel cells and printable solar cells will give laptops the freedom and power they need to be used anytime, anywhere. These new energy sources will finally make the laptop truly portable. It will also make the Internet truly wireless, mobile, and available everywhere.

Perish the thought!

The author has an unhealthy interest in all things laptop! Including laptop batteries. He also owns a modest website on Marketing Tools for eMarketers. Marketing Tools As part of that site he runs an Online Notebook Guide for Laptop Enthusiasts. Laptop Buyer's Guide Copyright 2006 Titus Hoskins. This article may be freely distributed if this resource box stays attached.

Surface Mount Electrical Panel

Teachers Contribution In Society

Our teachers are persons who contribute much into future society with its own cultures, norms and values. Therefore teachers sometimes play the key role in forming society and, therefore future of our humankind. Such great role should not be ignored and much of knowledge in sociology, psychology and history of human nature must be included in teachers training programmes. If we want see our children happy, wise and successful members of future society we should considerably change our attitude to the teachers education.

Teaching for decades has remained a low status job. Considering trainee teachers as social beings, we ought to ask ourselves as educators how indeed a teacher is expected to understand his role. Is the teacher to be thought of as an intellectual technician whose teaching performance may be more or less effective by whatever criteria of value and of influence may be chosen, but who has no voice in setting the criteria? Or is he, on the contrary, to be thought of as a, man with a calling or vocation committing him to the value of truths; reason and the enlargement of human power, dedicated to raising his voice for them (humans) and to the shaping of the conditions of his work so that these values may flourish?

A society aspiring to be genuinely free cannot afford restricted views where teachers are made to accept theirs as a calling, spiritual in nature, and not a profession like any other. Of course, such attitude will not bring success to those who will have to be taught by such teachers in a future.

The article was produced by the writer of Sharon White is a 5-years experienced freelance writer and a senior manager of essays writing services support team. Contact her to get law essays tips and quarterly essays tips.

Home Mold Test Kits

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Team Building: Why Can't We All Get Along?

When team members clash, disaster strikes. Project deadlines are missed, HR referees team members, the boss is angry for a week, and the raises everyone expects vanishes in the face of discord.

These clashes typically occur because the teams personalities get in the way. Each team member has their own unique personality mix which contributes to their ability to communicate, work under stress and make decisions. Wouldnt it be great if the team could harness their personality for productive sessions rather than battling sessions?

Personality is defined as a collection of emotion, thought and behavior patterns unique to a person.

Personality tests have been around for years. There are many types and variations, Briggs-Meyer, Enneagram, Keirsey-Bates, Hippocrates, Spangler, Jung, etc.

Most separate personality into four categories. In this article, I will be discussing the Keirsey Temperament types: Artisan, Guardian, Rational, and Idealist.

Statistically the workplace is made up of the following mix:

Personality Type (% of the population)

  • Guardian: 40-45%
  • Artisan: 35-40%
  • Rationalist: 5-7%
  • Idealist: 8-10%

    Of course this is based on population statistics and your workplace may be different, depending on the type of employee targeted. In an accounting firm; the number of Guardians would be higher, in a graphic design company; the number of Artisian's would be higher, etc.

    Which personality is getting in the way of meeting the project deadline? No bet here, has to be the Guardian personality.


    Guardian personalities make up 40-45% of the population and populate the science, technology, and engineering fields. These personalities pay attention to detail and provide a measure of security to projects. They are the ones who make sure that "i"s are dotted and "t"s are crossed.

    Guardians are great listeners and love the details. They make sure that any new proposal contains sufficient information to act.

    On the flip side, this employee can sometimes become so cautious that projects end up delayed while they ensure themselves that everything is complete. They trust their judgment and are reluctant to trust others.

    This is also the employee who loves to remember when... And you can always count on them to ask you where you were when man landed on the moon or when JFK died.

    Supervisors can get better performance from a Guardian if they:

  • Encourage him/her to speak their mind.
  • Teach them to delegate responsibility.
  • Provide all the information to make a decision.
  • Check on them often when under a deadline.
  • Respond respectfully to their questions.

    Guardians in Brief

    Value to the Team: Guardians are detail-oriented.
    Major Strength: Accurately analyzes data.
    Major Weakness: Cautious, loses sense of time.
    Communication: Good listener
    Emotional Response: Measures his/her response. Sensitive.
    Decision Making: Reluctant to commit, needs lots of evidence
    Behavior Under Stress: Guardians, when faced with high levels of stress, will avoid the stressor.
    Being a Better Team Player: Guardians need to speak their minds. They will feel more empowered and a member of the team.

    Guardian Personalities

  • Colin Powell
  • Martha Stewart
  • Mother Teresa
  • Warren Buffet
  • Sam Walton
  • Ed Sullivan
  • President GW Bush

    For more on Teams and Personality, see the second article in this series: Team Building: Why Can't Artisans Get Along?

    Rhonda Goetz
    Chrome Zebra, Inc.
    Helping Employers Prevent Employee Lawsuits
    Online Human Resource Training

    Rhonda Goetz is the owner and CEO of Chrome Zebra, an online human resource training company. She also is an authorized harassment and discrimination trainer and online instructional designer.

    Find out how to improve your team's ability to work with each other.
    Get online training customized to your industry.
    Contact Rhonda for more information. Toll free: 866.241.9927

    Her online courses provide businesses with an alternate training method that saves time and money. Employees train at their desks or workstations, and can train anytime. Businesses no longer have to lose production time to large training seminars, or hire expensive consultants or be locked into a set training schedule. Online training is cost-effective as well.

    Home Mold Test Kits
  • History Of Liverpool In A Nutshell (City Of Liverpool)

    The view of Liverpools world famous waterfront was a different scene some time ago than what it is today. In 1190 the city was known was Liuerpul, which meant a pool with muddy water and another name that has been suggested is elverpool, which was a reference to the high number of eels in the Mersey.

    King John granted Liverpool its charter in 1207 and advertised the establishment of a new borough at Liverpool inviting settlers to come and take holdings there. Rumour had it that the king wanted a port in the district that was free from the control of the earl of Chester and at first it served as a dispatch point for troops sent to Ireland.

    Following this, the Liverpool Castle was constructed, which occupied a prominent site overlooking the Mersey and pool of Liverpool. It was described that the castle had four towers, a hall, chamber, chapel, brew-house and bake-house and was surrounded by a dry moat. Liverpool Castle was removed in 1726.

    Throughout the 16th century, Liverpool only had a population of around 500 and it wasnt until the late 1600s that Liverpool was made a parish on its own by Act of Parliament. Following on from this the population and commerce increased rapidly and Liverpool became the second metropolis of Great Britain.

    Liverpool was the safest landing spot for boats and the first wet dock in Britain was built in 1715. Profits increased from the slave trade, which helped the town grow and flourish.

    Liverpools black community dates from this period and grew rapidly, - reaching a population of around 10,000 within five years. By the beginning of the 1800s more than 30% of the worlds trade was passing through the docks at Liverpool and during the 1840s the great famine brought many Irish to Liverpool. By the middle of the 1800s a quarter of the citys population was Irish-born.

    Over the period of the 1800s to 1900s the growth of Liverpool continued to expand and the population grew. At the beginning of the 1800s the population was just 78,000 and grew to a massive 685,000 by 1901.

    Albert Dock AreaIn 1888 Liverpool achieved city status and by the early 1900s it was announced the second city of empire. During this period the Albert Dock expanded and a number of major buildings were constructed such as St. Georges Hall and Lime Street Station.

    As Liverpool was constantly expanding over the years, during the late 1800s and early 1900s people started emigrating from all over Europe to the city and the population continued to grow. It was said that Adolf Hitlers half brother had once stayed with his wife in Upper Stanhope Street but some believe that this is untrue.

    Along with the huge Irish community in Liverpool, there were also a lot of other cultures and around the area of Scotland Road was once referred to as Little Italy. In addition to this, Liverpool was also the home to a large Welsh population and some people called it the Capital of North Wales.

    Following the First World War, Liverpool experienced a massive slump to its economy, which the city council tried to resolve by making various improvements such as the construction of the East Lancashire Road and the Mersey Queensway Tunnel. When the Mersey Queensway Tunnel was first built it was the longest underwater tunnel in the world.

    During World War II, Liverpool was bombed more heavily than any other city in Europe and was almost completely wiped out. At a certain time during this war the city was the headquarters of the Battle of the Atlantic from 1941.

    Liverpool BombingHowever, at the beginning of the 1950s re-construction took place and Liverpool was once again the second most important port in the empire. In the late 20th century the dock was redeveloped and the Albert and Wapping Docks were restored as major visitor attractions and retail centres. The installation of new dock gates at Canning facilitated the Tall Ships and Mersey River Festival in the 1980s and 90s.

    Since the middle of the 1990s some major redevelopment and reconstruction has taken place and there are many planning projects currently underway to revive economy in Liverpool. For most of this period the economy in Liverpool has grown faster than the national average and crime levels have remained lower than most other metropolitan areas in England and Wales.

    Contact Me and Read More At Liverpool In A Nutshell

    Articles 2

    Cutting Tile with a Wet Saw: Homeowners Clinic

    To make a cutout in a tile for, say, an outlet, support the tile on a wood block and move it slowly into the blade of the wet saw. Cut one side, flip it over and make another cut to drop out the waste piece.

    Georgetown is a growing city that has the real estate to fit each residents needs. Located about twenty minutes from downtown Austin, Georgetown is a small city with developing real estate. Georgetown continues to benefit from the annual population increases in central Texas. This city has become popular for residents looking to avoid crowded town around the city like Pflugerville and Round Rock. Georgetown real estate ranges from apartments to ranch land to master planned communities. All of these home choices are available in and around the Georgetown area.

    There are two master planned communities within Georgetown. One is a master planned active adult community that has strict age restrictions on home buyers in their community. This master planned community has private golf courses and fitness centers to make sure their residents are active adults. The other master planned community is a luxurious community with a private championship golf course and world class fitness facilities. Homes range well into the millions and can be as large as 7,000 sq. ft. This is a resort community that offers residents the best amenities to accompany their world class homes.

    Town homes around downtown area of Georgetown are very popular. These homes located along Highway 29 and resemble a farm town community where mail men deliver mail to your doorstep each day. Most of the homes in this area were built in the 70s and 80s and provide home owners with a historic living situation. Many of these homes are owned or rented by Southwestern University students. Some of these town homes are smaller and college students benefit from the low cost, close to campus locations.

    Apartments and condominiums have become popular in this area. The apartments in the area are located around the downtown area of Georgetown. Apartments in this area give residents a chance to live in a small town, and many tenants are college students. There is one condominium complex within Georgetown. This complex overlooks the San Gabriel River and gives residents the chance to enjoy the environment from their back landing.

    Area neighborhoods give Georgetown residents the chance to live within communities and enjoy the communal atmosphere that neighborhoods have. There are many neighborhoods in the Georgetown area. All students are given the chance to attend the public school system and Georgetown High. Georgetown residents understand the history of the town, and the history of the people who built the town. This is why Georgetown has been able to keep its small town atmosphere as the city continues to grow.

    For more information about new homes Georgetown Texas as well as new homes Austin Texas, please visit DR Horton.

    Monday, May 12, 2008

    Critical Steps to Manage Your Home's Water Usage

    Residents in the southeast are struggling with unprecedented drought and water shortages. Normally those of us in this part of the US have lots of rain and more worries about flooding than drought. The rain deficits that have been the norm for the past couple of years have dried up wells, killed trees, lawns and landscaping, wiped out agricultural crops and changed everything for residents of this usually verdant area. You might have noticed your grocery bill is higher because of it, too.

    A certain amount of conflict has existed between the large cities and more agriculturally oriented communities down river from densely populated north Georgia and Alabama for some years. But now the conflict is getting hotter because of extreme drought. Some even characterize it as a "water war". Many Alabama and Georgia communities are concerned about running out of water completely.

    Water resources can no longer be taken for granted. A house without water is not livable or marketable, after all. Even before the current water shortages Atlanta's creeks and rivers had so many lawn and garden chemicals in them that if your pet took just a few sips of creek water it wouldn't just make him sick, it could kill him! These chemicals make all those water-hogging golf courses and lawns look a lot less picturesque than they would like us to think. The chemical runoff from golf courses and lawns is amazingly toxic for humans, too.

    A company in Belgium now owns Carolina Water in western North Carolina. They doubled NC residents' water bills in the past few years. They own and operate many private water services in the US. Local owners did not notify any customers before they sold the water rights to an overseas company, a practice we believe should be illegal. After all, nothing is of more strategic importance than water. The public service commission rolled over again and again, giving them whatever they want for very poor service and water with lead in it.

    Water resources are of so much importance that we have been taking steps to conserve water in our home. We also filter out pollutants the water service misses the best we can. Here are some suggestions you can implement to manage your homes water usage.

    1. Try going to a landscape that requires fewer chemicals and less watering. We have a clear corridor around our house for fire safety. There are two small areas of lawn, berries in raised beds that blend into the hill, flowers and herbs in pots, and the rest is given to natural landscaping that grows well in our area without the need for chemicals, pesticides, a lawn tractor or watering.

    2. Let your congressmen and state representatives know ownership of water in the US should be ours by law, with no foreign ownership possible.

    3. Capture gray water from tubs and showers. This is possible, especially for upper floor baths with a storage tank and a few plumbing changes.

    4. Capture and store rain from your roof in a cistern, barrels or a storage tank. This water can be used to flush toilets to regular drains, to wash cars, in drip irrigation for your landscape or for water features.

    5. Instead of draining air conditioners and dehumidifiers to a drain, catch the water for drip irrigation or potted plants. Treat the water with a little bleach to kill germs. The plants won't mind if it's not too strong.

    6. Make sure your plumbing is in good repair. A toilet that runs between flushes can cost you serious money in water bills. We had a toilet that was running imperceptibly that raised our bill one month ten fold. Wow! It would have been cheaper to buy a new toilet. So keep a close watch on usage. Read your own meter a couple of times a month. No plumbing should be leaking. Appliances like toilets, dishwashers and clothes washers come in versions that use less water. Better versions of these necessities could pay for themselves rather quickly.

    7. Save water by taking shorter showers, turning off faucets while brushing teeth or shaving, and by not using any more water than it takes to do the myriad of tasks we all do each day.

    Water is one of those things we have to have to sustain life. We have to have it to grow food and to live. It's VERY IMPORTANT for all of us. Be sure everyone in your home treats it like the most important thing there is besides love for sustaining life.

    Paula Stone is a former realtor and black belt home seller. She works with her husband Ron in his mortgage business. Their website is full of Free information about the mortgage process along with more real estate information. Check it out at Alabama Mortgage Loan

    Home Mold Test Kits

    Saturday, May 10, 2008

    Cayenne Pepper and Heart Health - Is Cayenne A Cure for Heart Disease?

    Cayenne pepper is one of the most powerful and beneficial herbs known to mankind, but unfortunately very few know of its efficacy. Cayenne pepper and heart health should be synonymous for anyone with heart disease or cardiovascular issues but it is not. Due to the power and might of Big Pharma and their unholy alliance with the United States government, many Americans are simply unaware of natural herbs that can dramatically improve their heart health.

    "If this cayenne pepper and heart health connection is true, then why haven't the masses heard of it?" you may ask. A fair question. In a word, money. Literally billions of dollars have been spent on heart disease care and research, not to mention the billions that have been spent by consumers on pharmaceutical drugs fighting cholesterol. In fact, the number-one-selling drug in the US is Lipitor -- ostensibly sold to reduce cholesterol and by extension heart disease. Cayenne pepper could eliminate all that.

    Before discussing the benefits of cayenne pepper and heart health however, let's consider the result of the billions that have been "invested" in the name of curing heart disease for if there is one fundamental criterion by which government and medical institutional spending should be judged, it should be by the results.

    According to a May 25th, 2006 report by the BBC, heart disease is the biggest killer in the United Kingdom. Across the pond in the United States, the National Heart Foundation says, "Coronary heart disease is the single greatest cause of death for both men and women in the US, eclipsing all other causes, including cancer and lung diseases. Every year more than 479,000 Americans die of coronary heart disease." Clearly, the current allopathic (traditional Western medicine) approach is lacking.

    The unholy collusion between government, pharmaceutical interests and institutional medicine, with its powerful financial influence, pervades nearly every facet of society. Homeopathic medicine is not only derided but persecuted and even criminalized while allopathic medicine is deified as the only way to health. In reality, the joining of the best of allopathic and homeopathic interventions would be ideal, but for that to happen, results would have to be the final arbiter as to an interventions effectiveness, not corporate and governmental interests.

    Cayenne Pepper and Heart Health: Background Info

    So, what is cayenne pepper? You probably recognize its name as a potent condiment often used in cooking, but its value lies well beyond its culinary uses. Cayenne pepper is an herb that is nothing short of amazing.

    Cayenne is a multi-talented herb that is also known, although obliquely so, as African red pepper, American red pepper, Spanish pepper, capsicum, and bird pepper. Cayenne pepper is derived from two related plants. Specifically, the American variety (Capsicum minimum) is distinguished from its African counterpart the African birdseye cayenne (Capsicum fastigiatum) although both are highly beneficial to man. The African birdseye cayenne pepper is the most pungent with small, yellowish red pods while the American variety is distinguished with its herb-sized plants and larger fruit or pods.

    The food value of cayenne pepper is known, of course, but its real value is as a medicinal and nutritional herb. Its medical uses include using it for wounds, heart disease, heart attacks, heart problems at large, ulcers, congestion, colds, chills, bleeding of the lungs, neuralgia, lumbago, hemorrhage, hemorrhoids, high and low blood pressure, indigestion, and kidney and related problems. (This is by no means a comprehensive list as to the herb's effectiveness.)

    Cayenne pepper is a stimulant and as such is an activator, carrier, and accentuator to other herbs as well. Still, it can and should be used by itself. Lets discuss now some of those ancillary uses before we talk in depth about cayenne pepper and heart health.

    Cayenne pepper anti-fungal properties are tangible although this is not its primary health benefit. Cayenne pepper has been shown in some studies to be active against collectotrichum and phomopsis, both of which are fungal pathogens. These important fungal pathogens affect strawberries and other fruits and are not directly related to humans per se. However, cayenne immune system benefits are of interest to researchers. Currently, cayenne is being studied by many nutritional supplement companies for its therapeutic and nutritional benefits. If you desire a natural antifungal aid, garlic is preferred over cayenne for garlic has long been known for its anti-fungal properties. (In Russia, it has long been called "the Russian penicillin.")

    Cayenne Pepper and Heart Health: Benefits of Cayenne Pepper

    Cayenne pepper increases metabolism by immediately influencing the venous structure. It is remarkable with its immediate effects on the circulatory system as it feeds the vital elements into the cell structure of capillaries, veins, arteries and helps adjust blood pressure to normal levels. Yes, cayenne pepper for high blood pressure is certainly one of its core uses, but cayenne cleans the arteries as well.

    It also stimulates the peristaltic motion of the intestines and aids in assimilation and elimination. When taken internally, it warms the body and has even been used by some herbalist doctors to help severe frostbite as cayenne not only facilitates the healing of the flesh but it helps rebuild tissue as well.

    Notwithstanding its hot taste, it is superb for rebuilding the tissue in the stomach for it actually facilitates rapid healing with stomach and intestinal ulcers. Cayenne pepper for ulcers is not something most would have considered due to its native calidity but the author can testify to this aspect of this wonder herb.

    Cayenne Pepper and Heart Health: Its Dramatic Effects

    Dr. John Christopher, the famed natural herbalist, was persecuted relentlessly by the government while assisting patients in curing cancer, heart disease, pleurisy, tuberculosis, infertility, rheumatism, leukemia, and other maladies. One of his greatest stories in his long career was how he could instantly stop a heart attack if he could get the patient to drink a glass of warm cayenne water. In his writings, he said, "A teaspoon of cayenne should bring the patient out of the heart attack."

    (While this is not directly related to cayenne pepper and heart health, with internal hemorrhaging, if the patient can drink a glass of extra warm water with cayenne, Dr. Christopher wrote, " the count of ten the bleeding will stop. Instead of all the pressure being centralized, it is equalized and the clotting becomes more rapid.")

    Perhaps now you can see why cayenne pepper is regarded as a "miracle herb." With over 700,000 Americans experiencing a stroke each year and almost half a million dying of heart disease, the cure to a healthy heart is as close as your local grocery store. The cayenne pepper detoxification drink, when taken religiously, will dramatically improve your heart health as well as your venous structure.

    Side Effects of Too Much Cayenne Pepper:

    Cayenne Pepper Bad Points

    What are the side effects of too much cayenne pepper? What are the cayenne pepper bad points? Well, it is certainly hot to the taste. Drinking what the author calls the "cayenne pepper detoxification drink" is not for the faint of heart (on second thought perhaps it is!). When initially starting to drink the cayenne pepper detoxification drink, it tends to come out of the bodys orifices with a burning sensation. Not to worry, though. It is very beneficial. In fact, cayenne pepper will help clear up hemorrhoids if taken regularly -- especially if the hemorrhoid sufferer changes their diet to one more rich in fiber.

    To mitigate the heat of cayenne, the author suggests starting with just a half a teaspoon of cayenne in a glass of eight ounces of lukewarm water (or even less if desired). Have another glass of just water nearby as drinking cold water after the cayenne drink will help mitigate the calidity of the drink's after effects. Yes, you can take it in capsule form but its effects wont be immediate the way it would be by direct application. There are also some who suggest combining lemon water and cayenne pepper for fast metabolism. (There are also some who think that a combination of cayenne lemon fat burn facilitates adipose loss. That is debatable, but drinking a concoction of lemon water and cayenne pepper for fast metabolism is certainly more palatable.)

    Drinking the cayenne pepper detoxification drink daily will produce noticeable benefits, and the body will acclimate very quickly to cayennes native heat. Within a month or two, you will be able to drink a tablespoon of cayenne pepper without too much discomfort. Yes, you could go on a cayenne fruit diet, but drinking it is easier and more convenient. One last comment: cayenne pepper bad points or side effects have literally never been reported. Of course, taking too much of anything is not healthy, a problem never really attributed to cayenne due to its heat. In terms of health side effects, there are none. As with all things, though, use with discretion and wisdom.


    If you are concerned about your heart health, or if you are suffering from heart ailments, cayenne pepper should be a daily staple in your diet. This incredible herb is a wonder and can tremendously affect your health. Cayenne pepper is one of the greatest health secrets in the world. In fact, the Hunzas of Asia Minor have lived for centuries on a diet of apricots and cayenne pepper, with many living to the age of 150. Cayenne certainly is a great condiment, used with panache by great cooks and chefs, but its true value lies in its medicinal qualities. Slowly and surely, its remarkable benefits are gaining awareness by a public becoming increasingly disenchanted by traditional medicine's non-causal approach. Perhaps now you can see why cayenne is a prince among herbs.

    About The Author:
    Glenn Reschke is the webmaster of Free Online Instant Credit Report, How To Get Cheap Auto Insurance, and Online Education Guide and Review

    Surface Mount Electrical Panel

    Avoid Muscle Soreness If You Want to Gain Muscle Tone

    Muscle Soreness Means That You Have Damaged Your Muscles

    For the most part, when you experience muscle soreness after a workout, you have damaged your muscles. Muscle soreness is all right if you are mainly focusing on gaining muscle size, but you will want to avoid it if your goal is to tone your body. You see, if your goal is muscle size, you do want to damage the muscles to a certain extent and then eat to rebuild the muscles over a 48-72 hour period of time. After the muscles have repaired, they will hopefully gain a little bit of size.

    Why You Want to Avoid Muscle Soreness if You Want to Get Toned

    When your muscles are sore, you need to rest those muscle groups. The problem with too much rest is that you are not burning calories when you rest. Getting toned is all about moving, not resting. To burn off maximum amounts of body fat, you need to burn calories as much as possible all day long. Remember, muscle tone is a function of low body fat...low body fat is achieved by a low calorie diet and a ton of cardio.

    Muscle Soreness Can Lead To Overtraining

    If your body is sore and you hit cardio hard, you will have a strong chance of getting overtrained. The problem with getting overtrained is that your body will release a hormone called cortisol. Cortisol is released by your adrenal glands when your body is put under too much stress. The problem with having a high level of cortisol is that is blocks your ability to burn belly fat. If you want to get a ripped 6 pack, then you want to do your best to limit the amount of cortisol released by your body.

    How to Avoid Muscle Soreness

    The primary cause of muscle soreness is stressing your muscles too hard while weight training. If you have read any of my other articles, you know I recommend a workout consisting of a lot less lifting than what most personal trainers recommend. You really don't need to kill yourself while lifting. Pick 2-3 exercises per body part and just hit 3-4 sets for each exercise. Don't train to failure and never do forced reps or negatives.

    Gaining Muscle Tone is All About Lowering Your Body Fat Anyway

    I can't emphasize this enough...muscle tone is achieved on the cardio section in your gym, not in the free-weight area. Almost every person I see in the gym would benefit from doing about 1/2 the amount of lifting they do now and twice the amount of cardio. It isn't glamorous, but it works. If you want ridiculous muscle tone, then spend more time on cardio and less time making your muscles sore.

    Avoid Muscle Soreness...You Will Be Happy With The Results!

    About the Author: Rusty Moore is an avid trainer who gives advice to men and women who want a physique that attracts the opposite sex. While most trainers focus on gaining as much muscle mass as possible, Rusty focuses on the lean "sleek model look". For men who want the build of Brad Pitt -or- Matthew Mcconaughey and women who want the build of Jessica Alba -or- Jessica Beil, Visit his Website by Clicking this link... Lean Muscle Fitness

    Home Mold Test Kits

    Thursday, May 8, 2008

    Wood Turning Projects - Look For Direction

    Wood turning projects become a directive for the beginning turner. Often, a wood worker has an idea in mind for the use of a lathe before acquiring it, usually a table leg of chair rung or two. Once that is done a few simple skills have been gained and the lathe generally has exerted its quite addictive nature. The question is often what to do next.

    Wood turning projects are found on web sites, in books and on videos. They will usually have a picture of a finished product, details of steps to produce the product and sometimes videos to aid in learning new skills. Some will recommend a skill level for a turner to have before attempting the project. The better project sets will allow for a sequential gathering of skills as the projects are attempted in order.

    The wood lathe is a unique tool in the workshop. First of all it is one of the safest power tools to use. In other tools, such as a table saw, the cutting edge moves and the wood is moved into it or as in the case of a drill press the wood is stationary and the moving cutting edge approaches the wood.

    In the case of the wood lathe the reverse is true. The wood rotates and the tools are hand held to remove bits of wood. It is significantly more difficult to hurt oneself seriously if reasonable precautions are taken which are common to the workshop such as not wearing long sleeves or jewellery that may be caught in the turning machine.

    However, this calls for a new set of skills that incorporate the fine touch of hand operations with the speed of power tools. Projects allow one to learn the new skills in the relative safety of progressively more difficult operations while producing various useful or decorative objects. The skills of making a tool handle move over to making a candlestick and so on. Every project generates new abilities to make the next one and the next one and so on. A good set of projects will allow the mastery of the lathe and later to design projects of ones own.

    Darrell Feltmate is a juried wood turner whose web site, Around the Woods, contains detailed information about wood turning for the novice or experienced turner as well as a collection of turnings for your viewing pleasure. You too can learn to turn wood, here is the place to start. Wondering what it looks like? Follow the page links for a free video.

    There are several wood turning projects fully explained on the web site. In particular, a selection of beginner's projects may be found on the Beginner's Projects page complete with explanation and step by step photos.


    The Problem Is Where Do Termites Live

    The professional pest control companies are trained to know where the termites live and what vicinity of your home they might be found. Where do termites live? They live in your home and outside for a general description. Read on for more descriptive living quarters of the termite.

    Finding the nest is harder to do in some cases then finding them in your home. Underground termites leave some mud tunnels, but you might not recognize this as a sign you have termites close. Termites go undetected because of where they live. So then where do termites live? They live everywhere.

    Because termites live everywhere and most houses have up to four colonies in the area, there homes are subjected to termite infestations. The problem is they are hard to find and this is the reason for the big problem with termites. With proper preventive measures, you can avoid living with termites.

    Mud tunnels connect the colony to the food and this is one sure sign the termites are living in the ground. If you see this activity, you need to use proper action to eliminate the outside colony and then work on the inside. Whether you use a professional or you do it yourself, it needs to be done quickly.

    Besides the underground termite nests, there are the drywood termites that live in wood. If you see holes, cracks or any disturbance on the outside of the house, you may have a wood nesting termite. Wood dwelling termites also live in damp wood, decayed and rotted woods. This is mostly in the outdoors, unless the inside of the home has the same wood type. Some older unkempt houses that are abandoned see termites by the millions.

    Moisture makes a happy termite and they flock to these areas and from there, they start feeding. They live where they have protection from environmental changes, as they do not adapt to the changes. Cold weather termite activity might slow down, but it does not stop. We know where termites like to live, but finding them is harder than people think. This is the reason for so much damage done by termites.

    Ideal climates of the termite are a humid climate attracts the termite as they seek out not only feed, but also moisture. Some species prefer soil because it has the right amount of airflow and moisture, which keeps the termite cooler during warm weather. If you know the answer for where do termites live, you can then safeguard your home and property to prevent termite infestations.

    You can also find more info on Boric Acid For Termites and Inspecting For Termites. is a comprehensive resource to know more about termites.

    Remodeling Tips and Advice

    Tuesday, May 6, 2008

    Residential Fencing

    Although there are many different types of residential fencing perhaps aluminum is the most popular. This is a galvanized steel product with a hard wearing powder coat finish. It is designed to add beauty and value to residential homeowners. There are a wide variety of styles and colors to select from and any of them will complement any color that you may have on your home. This type of fence is designed with the residential person in mind and provides a level of quality and resilience that the home owner needs. This fence is made for durability to withstand the elements and it is possible to have a special formulated powder coating made to suit your needs.

    This power coated system of polyester resin prevents early rusting. This type of fencing comes in eight-foot sections to cut down on time and labor. The posts that are provided will hold the pickets firmly in place and will adapt to any contour of slopes in your landscape. The panels can be secured to the post without any welding and there are brackets provided. Most of these come with a 12 year warranty.

    You can find these available from 4 foot to 6 foot high and there are many different colors to choose from. This fence carries very low-maintenance which can free up your time for other things. Whether you need a picket fence or a privacy fence, this fencing can provide what you need. If you have animals that you want to keep in or animals that you want to keep out, this is the fence that can provide the security for you. With its low maintenance, durability, and appealing look this fence will be a welcome addition to your home. No matter what your needs this fence can provide what you're looking for.

    For lots of information on remodeling your home and other related topics, visit Fences Guide at

    Residential Fencing

    Although there are many different types of residential fencing perhaps aluminum is the most popular. This is a galvanized steel product with a hard wearing powder coat finish. It is designed to add beauty and value to residential homeowners. There are a wide variety of styles and colors to select from and any of them will complement any color that you may have on your home. This type of fence is designed with the residential person in mind and provides a level of quality and resilience that the home owner needs. This fence is made for durability to withstand the elements and it is possible to have a special formulated powder coating made to suit your needs.

    This power coated system of polyester resin prevents early rusting. This type of fencing comes in eight-foot sections to cut down on time and labor. The posts that are provided will hold the pickets firmly in place and will adapt to any contour of slopes in your landscape. The panels can be secured to the post without any welding and there are brackets provided. Most of these come with a 12 year warranty.

    You can find these available from 4 foot to 6 foot high and there are many different colors to choose from. This fence carries very low-maintenance which can free up your time for other things. Whether you need a picket fence or a privacy fence, this fencing can provide what you need. If you have animals that you want to keep in or animals that you want to keep out, this is the fence that can provide the security for you. With its low maintenance, durability, and appealing look this fence will be a welcome addition to your home. No matter what your needs this fence can provide what you're looking for.

    For lots of information on remodeling your home and other related topics, visit Fences Guide at

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